Saturday 8 May 2021

Kosmos Zigarettenfabrik - Olympische Spiele Helsinki 1952

Olympische Spiele Helsinki 1952
Kosmos Zigarettenfabrik
West Germany
200 cards

1.  Delegates
2.  Delegates
3.  Delegates
4.  Delegates
5.  Delegates
6.  Delegates
7.  Delegates
8.  Delegates
9.  Delegates
10.  Delegates
11.  Flags
12.  Delegates
13.  Delegates
14.  Wrestling
15.  Delegates
16.  Delegates
17.  Olympic Torch
18.  Parade
19.  Parade
20.  Olympic Flag
21.  Olympic Torch
22.  Parade
23.  Parade
24.  Parade
25.  Parade
26.  Parade
27.  Parade
28.  Athletics
29.  Athletics
30.  Athletics
31.  Athletics
32.  Athletics
33.  Athletics
34.  Athletics
35.  Athletics
36.  Athletics
37.  Athletics
38.  Athletics
39.  Athletics
40.  Emil Zatopek, Herbert Schade (Athletics)
41.  Athletics
42.  Athletics
43.  Athletics
44.  Athletics
45.  Athletics
46.  Athletics
47.  Athletics
48.  Athletics
49.  Athletics
50.  Athletics
51.  Emil Zatopek (Athletics)
52.  Athletics
53.  Athletics
54.  Athletics
55.  Athletics
56.  Athletics
57.  Emil Zatopek, Alain Mimoun (Athletics)
58.  Athletics
59.  Athletics
60.  Athletics
61.  Athletics
62.  Athletics
63.  Athletics
64.  Athletics
65.  Athletics
66.  Athletics
67.  Athletics
68.  Athletics
69.  Athletics
70.  Athletics
71.  Athletics
72.  Athletics
73.  Athletics
74.  Athletics
75.  Athletics
76.  Sailing
77.  Athletics
78.  Athletics
79.  Athletics
80.  Athletics
81.  Athletics
82.  Athletics
83.  Athletics
84.  Athletics
85.  Athletics
86.  Athletics
87.  Athletics
88.  Athletics
89.  Athletics
90.  Athletics
91.  Athletics
92.  Athletics
93.  Athletics
94.  Athletics
95.  Athletics
96.  Athletics
97.  Athletics
98.  Athletics
99.  Athletics
100.  Athletics
101.  Athletics
102.  Athletics
103.  Swimming
104.  Swimming
105.  Swimming
106.  Swimming
107.  Swimming
108.  Swimming
109.  Swimming
110.  Swimming
111.  Swimming
112.  Water Polo
113.  Water Polo
114.  Water Polo
115.  Water Polo
116.  Water Polo
117.  Water Polo
118.  Diving
119.  Diving
120.  Gymnastics
121.  Gymnastics
122.  Gymnastics
123.  Gymnastics
124.  Gymnastics
125.  Gymnastics
126.  Gymnastics
127.  Gymnastics
128.  Gymnastics
129.  Gymnastics
130.  Gymnastics
131.  Gymnastics
132.  Gymnastics
133.  Gymnastics
134.  Gymnastics
135.  Gymnastics
136.  Gymnastics
137.  Wrestling
138.  Wrestling
139.  Wrestling
140.  Wrestling
141.  Wrestling
142.  Wrestling
143.  Wrestling
144.  Wrestling
145.  Boxing
146.  Boxing
147.  Boxing
148.  Boxing
149.  Boxing
150.  Weightlifting
151.  Weightlifting
152.  Cycling
153.  Cycling
154.  Cycling
155.  Cycling
156.  Cycling
157.  Show Jumping
158.  Show Jumping
159.  Show Jumping
160.  Show Jumping
161.  Show Jumping
162.  Show Jumping
163.  Show Jumping
164.  Fencing
165.  Fencing
166.  Fencing
167.  Fencing
168.  Sailing
169.  Sailing
170.  Sailing
171.  Sailing
172.  Sailing
173.  Rowing
174.  Rowing
175.  Rowing
176.  Rowing
177.  Rowing
178.  Rowing
179.  Shooting
180.  Shooting
181.  Shooting
182.  Team Photo (West Germany, v Egypt): Die siegreiche deutsche Fußballmannschaft, die Agypten 3:1 schlug. Von links: Schröder, Stollenwerk, Gleixner, Mauritz, Sommerlattm Klug, Post, Jäger, Schäfer, Schönbeck und Spielführer Eberle.
183.  Karl Klug (West Germany, v Brazil)
184.  Ra, Ra, Ra Germania - Kurt Sommerlatt (v Brazil)
185.  Karl Klug (West Germany, v Brazil)
186.  Eberle (West Germany), Cajkovski (Yugoslavia), Wolf Waldemar Karni (Referee)
187.  Vukas (Yugoslavia, v West Germany)
188.  Final - Hungary v Yugoslavia 2:0
189.  Bronze Medal match - Svensson (Sweden, v West Germany)
190.  Hockey
191.  Bronze Medal match - Kurt Ehrmann (West Germany, v Sweden)
192.  Sepp Herberger (West Germany - Trainer)
193.  Hockey
194.  Hockey
195.  Basketball
196.  Helsinki
197.  Car loaded onto ship
198.  Closing Ceremony
199.  Closing Ceremony
200.  Closing Ceremony

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