Saturday 4 January 2020

Peter Kölln (West Germany) - Serie 15 - Olympische Spiele (1960)

Serie 15 - Olympische Spiele
Peter Kölln
West Germany
48 cards

1.   Laufen (Athletics)
2.   Mittel-Und Langstrecken (Athletics)
3.   Staffellauf (Athletics)
4.   Hindernislauf (Athletics)
5.   Hurdenlauf (Athletics)
6.   Gehen (Athletics)
7.   Stabhochsprung (Athletics)
8.   Hochsprung (Athletics)
9.   Weitsprung (Athletics)
10.  Diskuswurf (Athletics)
11.  Kugelstoss (Athletics)
12.  Hemmerwerfen (Athletics)
13.  Speerwurf (Athletics)
14.  Schwimmen (Swimming)
15.  Schwimmen (Swimming)
16.  Schwimmen (Swimming)
17.  Kunstspringen (Diving)
18.  Wasserball (Water Polo)
19.  Rudern (Rowing)
20.  Rudern (Rowing)
21.  Kanusport (Canoeing)
22.  Kanusport (Canoeing)
23.  Segeln (Sailing)
24.  Turnen (Gymnastics)
25.  Turnen (Gymnastics)
26.  Turnen (Gymnastics)
27.  Turnen (Gymnastics)
28.  Turnen (Gymnastics)
29.  Gymnastik (Gymnastics)
30.  Gewichtheben (Weightlifting)
31.  Ringen (Wrestling)
32.  Boxen (Boxing)
33.  Fechten (Fencing)
34.  Radsport (Cycling)
35.  Radsport (Cycling)
36.  Reiten (Equestrian)
37.  Reiten (Equestrian)
38.  Fussball
39.  Fussball
40.  Hockey
41.  Basketball
42.  Ski-Langlauf (Cross-Country Skiing)
43.  Skispringen (Ski Jumping)
44.  Skislalom (Slalom Skiing)
45.  Eisschnellauf (Speed Skating)
46.  Eishockey (Ice Hockey)
47.  Bobfahren (Bobsleigh)
48.  Bobfahren (Bobsleigh)

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