Saturday 5 March 2016

Baileys Agencies (Sunnyvale) - (BAI-120) Cigarette Card Transfer Series

(BAI-120) Cigarette Card Transfer Series
Baileys Agencies (Sunnyvale)
16 footballers

I've been researching the football transfers issued in the 1940's following an e-mail from Roger Pashby. Further sheets of transfers will appear over the next few days.
I wonder what came first, the transfers or the cards. I've only got a black and white photocopy of the sheet of transfers, but I still thought I'd include it here. Details of the cards can be found here - Baileys Agencies (Sunnyvale) - SUN-450/SUST-1 Sunnyvale Cigarette Card Book ~ Football Series.
The numbers come from the cards but the transfers are unnumbered. They are also listed as they appear in the Sunnyvale booklets so the transfers above actually read from right to left.

1.  Johnny Carey (Ireland)
3.  Billy Steel (Scotland)
5.  Bryn Jones (Wales)
7.  Archie McAuley (Scotland)
9.  Wilf Mannion (England)
11.  Stan Mortensen (Portrait) (England)
13.  Tommy Lawton (England)
15.  Frank Swift (England)
2.  Neil Franklin (Action) (England)
12.  Dr. Kevin O'Flanagan (Ireland)
6.  Ivor Powell (Wales)
8.  Stan Mortensen (Action) (England)
10.  Stanley Matthews (England)
4.  Peter Doherty (Ireland)
14.  Dennis Compton (England)
16.  Neil Franklin (Portrait) (England)

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