Saturday 1 February 2020

Rizla (Belgium) - Tokyo 1964

Tokyo 1964 Medailles d'Or (French)
Tokyo 1964 Gouden Medailles (Dutch)
Rizla / Bubble Gum Milou (French)
Rizla / Bubble Gum Bobbie (Dutch)
160 cards (1 football)

Only one football card, the tournament was won by Hungary. The cards can be found with bi-lingual backs (French and Dutch) and French. I haven't come across cards with only Dutch on the back. There are two versions of the album, one in Dutch and the other in French.
UPDATE (01-02-2020 17:56):  The Hungarian squad consisted of the following players: Antal Szentmihályi, Tibor Csernai, Dezső Novák, Benő Káposzta, Árpád Orbán, Kálmán Ihász, Gusztáv Szepesi, Károly Palotai, István Nagy, György Nagy, Imre Komora, Zoltán Varga, Ferenc Bene, Antal Dunai, János Farkas, Sándor Katona, Pal Orosz, Ferenc Nógrádi and József Gelei.

Tokyo 1964 - backs French/Dutch
Tokyo 1964 - backs French
Tokyo 1964 - backs Dutch - not confirmed

1.  Pierre de Coubertin
2-36.  Athletics
37-43.  Rowing
44.  Basketball
45-54.  Boxing
55-61.  Canoeing
62-68.  Cycling
69-74.  Equestiranism
75-82.  Fencing

83.  Hungary (Football)

84-94.  Gymnastics
95.  Hockey
96-99.  Judo
100-115.  Wrestling
116-137.  Swimming
138-139.  Modern Pentathlon
140-146.  Weightlifting
147-152.  Shooting
153-154.  Volleyball
155.  Water Polo
156-160.  Yachting

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