Thursday, 1 August 2019

Panini - (PAP-16) Football 80 (02) - Error sticker - Mike Buckley, Kevin Arnott

(PAP-16) Football 80
582 stickers

Mark Hughesdon has found another error sticker, this one is a double-whammy - the photo of Mike Buckley is reversed and the photo of Kevin Arnott is actually Shaun Elliott! Is there any corrected version with either or both of the errors corrected?
UPDATE (20-02-2022 09:29): Chris Warne has provided a photo of the corrected sticker.

491A.  Mike Buckley (Sunderland)  -  image reversed
491B.  Kevin Arnott (Sunderland)  -  image of Shaun Elliott

491A.  Mike Buckley (Sunderland)  -  image correct
491B.  Kevin Arnott (Sunderland)  -  image of Kevin Arnott


  1. Hi Alan. Yes, my album has both of those errors corrected. Not sure how I share it with you?

    1. Hi Chris,

      Thanks for letting me know. Can you scan it, or take a photo (as large as possible)? I've ordered a couple of copies, hopefully I'll end up with a corrected version.


    2. That's funny, I've deliberately ordered the error stickers today to house with my collection!

      I have taken a photo, will email it across now.


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