Monday, 4 March 2019

Topps - Topps NOW Premier League (2018-19) (09) - 094 - Virgil van Dijk - Autograph

Topps NOW Premier League
150+ cards

Topps has produced a special autographed version of the Virgil van Dijk Topps NOW card in three different colours. At the moment this offer only seems to be available in North America.
UPDATE (05-03-2019 13:59):  Yesterday I could only find three of the Virgil van Dijk cards on the US version of Topps but I was expecting a 1/1 card too. This morning there is a 1/1 card. Also yesterday, only one of the cards was available on the UK version of Topps, this morning there are three though I still can't find the 1/1 being advertised on the UK version.

94A.  Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool) - #/25  £84.00 / $149.99
94B.  Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool) - Red #/10  £235.20 / $299.99
94C.  Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool) - Orange #/5  £313.72 / $399.99
94C.  Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool) - Gold 1/1  $799.99


  1. Hi Alan, Is it okay to use a handful of images/scans on your website for a magazine I am working on covering Premier League cards? Kind regards Damian

    1. Hi Damian,
      No problem at all. I'd appreciate seeing a copy of the magazine once it's published.


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