Tuesday 11 April 2023

Nestlé, Peter, Cailler, Kohler (Switzerland) - Serie VII - Sports (02)

Serie VII - Sports
France, Switzerland
12 cards (1 football)

Some time ago I included a set of cards issued by Nestlé in Switzerand - Nestlé, Peter, Cailler, Kohler (Switzerland) - Serie VII - Sports - which includes one football card (the first card shown here). I have since found two very similar cards from other series and presume that each includes the same 12 cards.

Serie VII - Sports - Nestlé's Chocolats au Lait
Serie XVIII - Sports - Peter, Cailler, Kohler
Serie XXVI - Sports - Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Nestlé

1.  Boxing
2.  Voile Yachting
3.  Equitation
4.  Tennis
5.  Swimming
6.  Football Association
7.  Ski
8.  Escrime
9.  Tir 
10.  Alpinisme
11.  Luge
12.  Lutte (Judo)

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