Saturday, 18 November 2017

Turmac (Turkish Macedonian Tobacco Company) - (T905-350) Radiovoetbalspel

(K25) Radiovoetbalspel
Kiazim Emin
(T905-350) Radiovoetbalspel
Turmac (Turkish Macedonian Tobacco Company)
(U6-1) Radiovoetbalspel
Unie van Tabak
(U9-1) Radiovoetbalspel
United Cigarettes Factories "Cocktail"
6 x 24 cards

These cards were issued by four different companies. The games featured on the cards have not been identified, they're just anonymous football matches - except one. DG (series 2) and DDG (series 3) have identical images, a scene from a match between England and Spain showing Dixie Dean and Sammy Crooks challenging for the ball with the Spanish goalkeeper Ricardo Zamora at Highbury on 9 December, 1931.
There are 24 cards in each series. Series 2 and 3 have identical scenes, as do Series 5 and 6. J and Q are missing from Series 1, IG and QG are missing from Series 2 and 3. I don't know which cards are missing from Series 4, 5 and 6 so I haven't listed the cards in each of these series.
The only way to do a proper checklist is to show all the cards in each of the series but I don't have access to all the cards. If anyone has complete sets and is willing to scan all the cards I will gladly show them on my blog.
5 of the 6 series have different date ranges printed on the front, but I have been unable to confirm the dates used with Series 5 and Series 6:
Series 1 - A1-A26 - Undated
Series 2 - AG1-AG26 - 1 Januari 1933 tot 31 Maart 1933
Series 3 - AAG1-AAG26.  1 April 1933 tot 30 Juni 1933
Series 4 - 4AG- 4ZG - 1 April 1933 tot 30 September 1933
Series 5 - 5AG-5ZG - 
31 December 1933
Series 6 - 6
AG-6ZG - 

Kiazim Emin - (K25) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 1 (A-Z) - Green backs
Turmac (Turkish Macedonian Tobacco Company) - (T905-350) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 1 (A-Z) - Red backs
Unie van Tabak - (U6-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 1 (A-Z) - Blue backs
United Cigarettes Factories "Cocktail" - (U9-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 1 (A-Z) - Black backs
24 cards

A1.  Football scene
B2.  Football scene
C3.  Football scene
D4.  Football scene
E5.  Football scene
F6.  Football scene
G7.  Football scene
H8.  Football scene
I9.  Football scene
J10.  Not issued
K11.  Football scene
L12.  Football scene
M13.  Football scene
N14.  Football scene
O15.  Football scene
P16.  Football scene
Q17.  Not issued
R18.  Football scene
S19.  Football scene
T20.  Football scene
U21.  Football scene
V22.  Football scene
W23.  Football scene
X24.  Football scene
Y25.  Football scene
Z26.  Football scene

Kiazim Emin - (K25) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 2 (AG-ZG) - Green backs
Turmac (Turkish Macedonian Tobacco Company) - (T905-350) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 2 (AG-ZG) - Red backs
Unie van Tabak - (U6-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 2 (AG-ZG) - Blue backs
United Cigarettes Factories "Cocktail" - (U9-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 2 (AG-ZG) - Black backs
24 cards

AG1.  Football scene
BG2.  Football scene
CG3.  Football scene
DG4.  Football scene - England v Spain, Highbury, 9 December, 1931 (Dixie Dean, Sammy Crooks, Ricardo Zamora)
EG5.  Football scene
FG6.  Football scene
GG7.  Football scene
HG8.  Football scene
IG9.  not issued
JG10.  Football scene
KG11.  Football scene
LG12.  Football scene
MG13.  Football scene
NG14.  Football scene
OG15.  Football scene
PG16.  Football scene
QG17.  not issued
RG18.  Football scene
SG19.  Football scene
TG20.  Football scene
UG21.  Football scene
VG22.  Football scene
WG23.  Football scene
XG24.  Football scene
YG25.  Football scene
ZG26.  Football scene

Kiazim Emin - (K25) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 3 (AAG-ZZG) - Green backs
Turmac (Turkish Macedonian Tobacco Company) - (T905-350) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 3 (AAG-ZZG) - Red backs
Unie van Tabak - (U6-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 3 (AAG-ZZG) - Blue backs
United Cigarettes Factories "Cocktail" - (U9-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 3 (AAG-ZZG) - Black backs
24 cards

AAG1.  Football scene
BBG2.  Football scene
CCG3.  Football scene
DDG4.  Football scene - England v Spain, Highbury, 9 December, 1931 (Dixie Dean, Sammy Crooks, Ricardo Zamora)
EEG5.  Football scene
FFG6.  Football scene
GGG7.  Football scene
HHG8.  Football scene
IIG9.  Not issued
JJG10.  Football scene
KKG11.  Football scene
LLG12.  Football scene
MMG13.  Football scene
NNG14.  Football scene
OOG15.  Football scene
PPG16.  Football scene
QQG17.  Not issued
RRG18.  Football scene
SSG19.  Football scene
TTG20.  Football scene
UUG21.  Football scene
VVG22.  Football scene
WWG23.  Football scene
XXG24.  Football scene
YYG25.  Football scene
ZZG26.  Football scene

Kiazim Emin - (K25) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 4 (4AG-4ZG) - Green backs
Turmac (Turkish Macedonian Tobacco Company) - (T905-350) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 4 (4AG-4ZG) - Red backs
Unie van Tabak - (U6-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 4 (4AG-4ZG) - Blue backs
United Cigarettes Factories "Cocktail" - (U9-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 4 (4AG-4ZG) - Black backs
24 cards

4AG.  Football scene
4BG.  Football scene
4CG.  Football scene
4DG.  Football scene
4EG.  Football scene
4FG.  Football scene
4GG.  Football scene
4HG.  Football scene
4IG.  not issued
4JG.  Football scene
4KG.  Football scene
4LG.  Football scene
4MG.  Football scene
4NG.  Football scene
4OG.  Football scene
4PG.  Football scene
4QG.  not issued
4RG.  Football scene
4SG.  Football scene
4TG.  Football scene
4UG.  Football scene
4VG.  Football scene
4WG.  Football scene
4XG.  Football scene
4YG.  Football scene
4ZG.  Football scene

Kiazim Emin - (K25) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 5 (5AG-5ZG) - Green backs
Turmac (Turkish Macedonian Tobacco Company) - (T905-350) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 5 (5AG-5ZG) - Red backs
Unie van Tabak - (U6-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 5 (5AG-5ZG) - Blue backs
United Cigarettes Factories "Cocktail" - (U9-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 5 (5AG-5ZG) - Black backs
24 cards

5AG.  Football scene
5BG.  Football scene
5CG.  Football scene
5DG.  Football scene
5EG.  Football scene
5FG.  Football scene
5GG.  Football scene
5HG.  Football scene
5IG.  not issued
5JG.  Football scene
5KG.  Football scene
5LG.  Football scene
5MG.  Football scene
5NG.  Football scene
5OG.  Football scene
5PG.  Football scene
5QG.  not issued
5RG.  Football scene
5SG.  Football scene
5TG.  Football scene
5UG.  Football scene
5VG.  Football scene
5WG.  Football scene
5XG.  Football scene
5YG.  Football scene
5ZG.  Football scene

Kiazim Emin - (K25) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 6 (6AG-6ZG) - Green backs
Turmac (Turkish Macedonian Tobacco Company) - (T905-350) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 6 (6AG-6ZG) - Red backs
Unie van Tabak - (U6-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 6 (6AG-6ZG) - Blue backs
United Cigarettes Factories "Cocktail" - (U9-1) Radiovoetbalspel - Series 6 (6AG-6ZG) - Black backs
24 cards

6AG.  Football scene
6BG.  Football scene
6CG.  Football scene
6DG.  Football scene
6EG.  Football scene
6FG.  Football scene
6GG.  Football scene
6HG.  Football scene
6IG.  not issued
6JG.  Football scene
6KG.  Football scene
6LG.  Football scene
6MG.  Football scene
6NG.  Football scene
6OG.  Football scene
6PG.  Football scene
6QG.  not issued
6RG.  Football scene
6SG.  Football scene
6TG.  Football scene
6UG.  Football scene
6VG.  Football scene
6WG.  Football scene
6XG.  Football scene
6YG.  Football scene
6ZG.  Football scene

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