Footballers, Stadiums, Trophies etc.
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate
South Africa
255 cards
These cards are roughly cigarette card size.
UPDATE (12-12-2018 21:26): Derek Golson has provided a comment relating to the size and look of the cards. They measure 95mm long by 42.5mm wide and are similar to the Miniature Panel Portraits issued by Topical Times in the 1930s. They are glossy with plain backs.
UPDATE (12-04-2020 13:39): Eddie Knipe has informed me that there was an album produced with spaces for 255 cards, though there were more cards of Addington F.C. than there were spaces in the album for them. This list includes 249 cards so far.
UPDATE (03-03-2025 18:26): Derek Golson has provided information about some Club Slogan Transfers coming from this collection. These are 50mm square, whilst the club shirts and badges are 40 x47.5mm.
Blues, George (Addington F.C.)
Chambers, Dick (Addington F.C.)
Donnelly, John (Addington F.C.)
Dougan, George (Addington F.C.)
Duffy, Neil (Addington F.C.)
Hannan, Tommy (Addington F.C.)
Hauser, Henry (Addington F.C.)
Hennigan, Mike (Addington F.C.)
Kitchen, Rodney (Addington F.C.)
Law, Willie (Addington F.C.)
Malone, Frank (Addington F.C.)
McKay, Bobby (Addington F.C.)
McKinney, Vic (Addington F.C.)
Samoullian, Alan (Addington F.C.)
Schutte, Tommy (Addington F.C.)
Smith, Tony (Addington F.C.)
Snedden, John (Addington F.C.)
Spenceley, George (Addington F.C.)
Fielding, John (Arcadia United F.C.)
Gething, Trevor (Arcadia United F.C.)
Goddard, Ernie (Arcadia United F.C.)
Herholdt, D. (Arcadia United F.C.)
Hewie, John (Arcadia United F.C.)
Lloyd, Terry (Arcadia United F.C.)
Matthews, Roy (Arcadia United F.C.)
Tocknell, Brian (Arcadia United F.C.)
Allen, Richard (Cape Town City F.C.)
Coetzee, Roger (Cape Town City F.C.)
Fuller, R. (Cape Town City F.C.)
Kubic, Leon (Cape Town City F.C.)
Livingstone, John (Cape Town City F.C.)
Lovell, Vic (Cape Town City F.C.)
McKenzie, Don (Cape Town City F.C.)
McQuarrie, Andy (Cape Town City F.C.)
Morrison, Jimmy (Cape Town City F.C.)
O'Grady, Bill (Cape Town City F.C.)
Scott, Ken (Cape Town City F.C.)
Walker, Gerry (Cape Town City F.C.)
Wren, Jackie (Cape Town City F.C.)
Allen, Fred (Corinthians F.C.)
Avgitides, (Corinthians F.C.)
De Castro, Decio (Corinthians F.C.)
John, Dennis (Corinthians F.C.)
Kerr, Bobby (Corinthians F.C.)
Luco, George (Corinthians F.C.)
McKenna, John (Corinthians F.C.)
McMullen, Tommy (Corinthians F.C.)
Moreno, Jose (Corinthians F.C.)
Panaino, Ron (Corinthians F.C.)
Sophos, (Corinthians F.C.)
Stefanakos, D. (Corinthians F.C.)
Summers, George (Corinthians F.C.)
Yiallouris, (Corinthians F.C.)
Braithwaite, Bobby (Durban City F.C.)
Brown, Gary (Durban City F.C.)
Dennyschen, Ken (Durban City F.C.)
Forsyth, Dave (Durban City F.C.)
Higgins, Bill (Durban City F.C.)
Hopkins, Errol (Durban City F.C.)
Howieson, Bert (Durban City F.C.)
Jay, Alan (Durban City F.C.)
Kidd, Graham (Durban City F.C.)
Moncur, Jimmy (Durban City F.C.)
Pearson, Jimmy (Durban City F.C.)
Scott, Jim (Durban City F.C.)
Smethurst, Derek (Durban City F.C.)
Willey, Alan (Durban City F.C.)
Wootton, George (Durban City F.C.)
Burns, George (Durban United F.C.)
Chalmers, Bobby (Durban United F.C.)
Cowden, Derek (Durban United F.C.)
Ferguson, Danny (Durban United F.C.)
Gordon, Alan (Durban United F.C.)
Grant, John (Durban United F.C.)
Hancock, Dave (Durban United F.C.)
Irvine, Gareth (Durban United F.C.)
Lightening, Arthur (Durban United F.C.)
Lowe, Robin (Durban United F.C.)
Mann, Ronnie (Durban United F.C.)
McGilvray, Billy (Durban United F.C.)
McGuigan, Frank (Durban United F.C.)
Orritt, Bryan (Durban United F.C.)
Peterson, Brian (Durban United F.C.)
Peterson, Keith (Durban United F.C.)
Smit, Chris (Durban United F.C.)
Thompson, Adam (Durban United F.C.)
Cameron, Alex (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Donaldson, Willie (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Fox, Michael (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Frazer, John (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Galgoezi, George (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Goodwin, Fred (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Hancock, Clive (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Hume, Ronnie (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Jooste, Nick (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Labuschagne, Koos (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Lill, Mickey (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Naude, Charlie (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Orford, Ron (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Robertson, Jimmy (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Scott, Robert (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Smith, Charlie (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Arnaldes, Azaros (Hellenic F.C.)
Custodio, Fernando (Hellenic F.C.)
Danieli, Daniel (Hellenic F.C.)
Dodgers, Andy (Hellenic F.C.)
Dos Santos, Helio (Hellenic F.C.)
Florentzos, Costa (Hellenic F.C.)
Hannan, Tommy (Hellenic F.C.)
Kalagirou, Demos (Hellenic F.C.)
Kitides, Gregory (Hellenic F.C.)
Little, Hutton (Hellenic F.C.)
Maxwell, Hugh (Hellenic F.C.)
Nickolakakos, S. (Hellenic F.C.)
Sevastoupolos, Nikkie (Hellenic F.C.)
Teubes, Melvyn (Hellenic F.C.)
Thomson, Ian (Hellenic F.C.)
Durandt, Cliff (Highlands Park F.C.)
Frickleton, Joe (Highlands Park F.C.)
Gough, Charlie (Highlands Park F.C.)
Hume, Bobby (Highlands Park F.C.)
Jacobitz, Stan (Highlands Park F.C.)
Kalk, Freddie (Highlands Park F.C.)
Kaplan, Julie (Highlands Park F.C.)
Levi, Rafi (Highlands Park F.C.)
McIntosh, Willie (Highlands Park F.C.)
Rufus, Malcolm (Highlands Park F.C.)
Ryder, George (Highlands Park F.C.)
Santoro, (Highlands Park F.C.)
Stewart, John (Highlands Park F.C.)
Weir, Philip (Highlands Park F.C.)
Blackburn, Keith (Maritzburg F.C.)
Davidson, Robbie (Maritzburg F.C.)
Gibson, Jerry (Maritzburg F.C.)
Gibson, Keith (Maritzburg F.C.)
Hennigan, Mike (Maritzburg F.C.)
Laing, Gavin (Maritzburg F.C.)
Lauderdale, Gordon (Maritzburg F.C.)
Rugg, John (Maritzburg F.C.)
Saunders, Ivan (Maritzburg F.C.)
Fielding, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Fincham, Gordon (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Gallagher, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Gallagher, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Gray, Matt (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Houston, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Hugo, Roger (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Kerr, Peter (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Lewis, Kevin (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Mancini, Terry (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
McClelland, David (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Morton, Gerry (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
O'Hara, Eddie (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Ower, Ian (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Prentiss, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Scott, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Snowden, Dennis (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Steele, Stan (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Thompson, Jimmy (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Abietar, Enrique (Powerlines F.C.)
Axpe, Luis (Powerlines F.C.)
Dohnal, Franz (Powerlines F.C.)
Fernandes, Angelico (Powerlines F.C.)
Fernandes, Pedro (Powerlines F.C.)
Louro, Arturo (Powerlines F.C.)
Medina, Vincente (Powerlines F.C.)
Oismuller, (Powerlines F.C.)
Rath, Peter (Powerlines F.C.)
Rautmann, Walter (Powerlines F.C.)
Sabbionni, (Powerlines F.C.)
Scherr, Kurt (Powerlines F.C.)
Scott, Neville (Powerlines F.C.)
Tiravit, Alfonso (Powerlines F.C.)
Anderson, Des (Rangers F.C.)
Blanero, Beni (Rangers F.C.)
Davies, Bob (Rangers F.C.)
Forster, Stan (Rangers F.C.)
Gray, Alan (Rangers F.C.)
Jones, Dave (Rangers F.C.)
Koekemore, Ron (Rangers F.C.)
Laing, Alan (Rangers F.C.)
Leon, Moshe (Rangers F.C.)
McLaughlin, John (Rangers F.C.)
Owen, Percy (Rangers F.C.)
Randall, Reg (Rangers F.C.)
Sheavills, Jimmy (Rangers F.C.)
Soekoe, Archie (Rangers F.C.)
Walker, John (Rangers F.C.)
Arluck, Roy (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Bjornstad, Arne (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Clark, Vic (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Cooke, Bobby (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Hinton, Terry (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Horne, Des (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Joubert, Hennie (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Maltby, John (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Mathews, Ron (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Orritt, Bryan (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Phythian, Dave (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Robertson, Tom (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Santos, Zeco (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Schmidt, Theo (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Sequera, (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Shuttleworth, Dave (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Football Grounds
New Kingsmead (Addington F.C., Durban City F.C., Durban United F.C.)
Hartleyvale (Cape Town City F.C.)
Green Point Stadium (Hellenic F.C.)
Caledonian Stadium (Arcadia United F.C.)
Crusaders Ground (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Dunswart Stadium (East Rand United F.C.)
Powerlines, Nigel (Powerlines F.C.)
Wembley Stadium (Rangers F.C.)
Balfour Park (Highlands Park F.C.)
Driehoek Stadium (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Rand Stadium (Rangers F.C.)
Dave Marais Floating Trophy
Castle Cup
B.P. League Trophy
U.T.C. Bowl
National Shield
Emblems and Badges
N.F.L. Emblem
Addington F.C.
Arcadia United F.C.
Cape Town City F.C.
Corinthians F.C.
Durban City F.C.
Durban United F.C.
Germiston Callies F.C.
Hellenic F.C.
Highlands Park F.C.
Maritzburg F.C.
Port Elizabeth F.C.
Powerlines F.C.
Rangers F.C.
Southern Suburbs F.C.
Addington F.C.
Arcadia F.C.
Cape Town City F.C.
Corinthians F.C.
Durban City F.C.
Durban United F.C.
Germiston Callies F.C.
Hellenic F.C.
Highlands Park F.C.
Maritzburg F.C.
Port Elizabeth F.C.
Powerlines F.C.
Rangers F.C.
Southern Suburbs F.C.
Altered Cards
Laing, Gavin
Hannan, Tommy
McGuigan, Frank
Brown, Gary
McGilvray, Billy
Blues, George (Addington F.C.)
Chambers, Dick (Addington F.C.)
Donnelly, John (Addington F.C.)
Dougan, George (Addington F.C.)
Duffy, Neil (Addington F.C.)
Hannan, Tommy (Addington F.C.)
Hauser, Henry (Addington F.C.)
Hennigan, Mike (Addington F.C.)
Kitchen, Rodney (Addington F.C.)
Law, Willie (Addington F.C.)
Malone, Frank (Addington F.C.)
McKay, Bobby (Addington F.C.)
McKinney, Vic (Addington F.C.)
Samoullian, Alan (Addington F.C.)
Schutte, Tommy (Addington F.C.)
Smith, Tony (Addington F.C.)
Snedden, John (Addington F.C.)
Spenceley, George (Addington F.C.)
Fielding, John (Arcadia United F.C.)
Gething, Trevor (Arcadia United F.C.)
Goddard, Ernie (Arcadia United F.C.)
Herholdt, D. (Arcadia United F.C.)
Hewie, John (Arcadia United F.C.)
Lloyd, Terry (Arcadia United F.C.)
Matthews, Roy (Arcadia United F.C.)
Tocknell, Brian (Arcadia United F.C.)
Allen, Richard (Cape Town City F.C.)
Coetzee, Roger (Cape Town City F.C.)
Fuller, R. (Cape Town City F.C.)
Kubic, Leon (Cape Town City F.C.)
Livingstone, John (Cape Town City F.C.)
Lovell, Vic (Cape Town City F.C.)
McKenzie, Don (Cape Town City F.C.)
McQuarrie, Andy (Cape Town City F.C.)
Morrison, Jimmy (Cape Town City F.C.)
O'Grady, Bill (Cape Town City F.C.)
Scott, Ken (Cape Town City F.C.)
Walker, Gerry (Cape Town City F.C.)
Wren, Jackie (Cape Town City F.C.)
Allen, Fred (Corinthians F.C.)
Avgitides, (Corinthians F.C.)
De Castro, Decio (Corinthians F.C.)
John, Dennis (Corinthians F.C.)
Kerr, Bobby (Corinthians F.C.)
Luco, George (Corinthians F.C.)
McKenna, John (Corinthians F.C.)
McMullen, Tommy (Corinthians F.C.)
Moreno, Jose (Corinthians F.C.)
Panaino, Ron (Corinthians F.C.)
Sophos, (Corinthians F.C.)
Stefanakos, D. (Corinthians F.C.)
Summers, George (Corinthians F.C.)
Yiallouris, (Corinthians F.C.)
Braithwaite, Bobby (Durban City F.C.)
Brown, Gary (Durban City F.C.)
Dennyschen, Ken (Durban City F.C.)
Forsyth, Dave (Durban City F.C.)
Higgins, Bill (Durban City F.C.)
Hopkins, Errol (Durban City F.C.)
Howieson, Bert (Durban City F.C.)
Jay, Alan (Durban City F.C.)
Kidd, Graham (Durban City F.C.)
Moncur, Jimmy (Durban City F.C.)
Pearson, Jimmy (Durban City F.C.)
Scott, Jim (Durban City F.C.)
Smethurst, Derek (Durban City F.C.)
Willey, Alan (Durban City F.C.)
Wootton, George (Durban City F.C.)
Burns, George (Durban United F.C.)
Chalmers, Bobby (Durban United F.C.)
Cowden, Derek (Durban United F.C.)
Ferguson, Danny (Durban United F.C.)
Gordon, Alan (Durban United F.C.)
Grant, John (Durban United F.C.)
Hancock, Dave (Durban United F.C.)
Irvine, Gareth (Durban United F.C.)
Lightening, Arthur (Durban United F.C.)
Lowe, Robin (Durban United F.C.)
Mann, Ronnie (Durban United F.C.)
McGilvray, Billy (Durban United F.C.)
McGuigan, Frank (Durban United F.C.)
Orritt, Bryan (Durban United F.C.)
Peterson, Brian (Durban United F.C.)
Peterson, Keith (Durban United F.C.)
Smit, Chris (Durban United F.C.)
Thompson, Adam (Durban United F.C.)
Cameron, Alex (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Donaldson, Willie (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Fox, Michael (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Frazer, John (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Galgoezi, George (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Goodwin, Fred (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Hancock, Clive (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Hume, Ronnie (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Jooste, Nick (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Labuschagne, Koos (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Lill, Mickey (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Naude, Charlie (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Orford, Ron (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Robertson, Jimmy (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Scott, Robert (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Smith, Charlie (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Arnaldes, Azaros (Hellenic F.C.)
Custodio, Fernando (Hellenic F.C.)
Danieli, Daniel (Hellenic F.C.)
Dodgers, Andy (Hellenic F.C.)
Dos Santos, Helio (Hellenic F.C.)
Florentzos, Costa (Hellenic F.C.)
Hannan, Tommy (Hellenic F.C.)
Kalagirou, Demos (Hellenic F.C.)
Kitides, Gregory (Hellenic F.C.)
Little, Hutton (Hellenic F.C.)
Maxwell, Hugh (Hellenic F.C.)
Nickolakakos, S. (Hellenic F.C.)
Sevastoupolos, Nikkie (Hellenic F.C.)
Teubes, Melvyn (Hellenic F.C.)
Thomson, Ian (Hellenic F.C.)
Durandt, Cliff (Highlands Park F.C.)
Frickleton, Joe (Highlands Park F.C.)
Gough, Charlie (Highlands Park F.C.)
Hume, Bobby (Highlands Park F.C.)
Jacobitz, Stan (Highlands Park F.C.)
Kalk, Freddie (Highlands Park F.C.)
Kaplan, Julie (Highlands Park F.C.)
Levi, Rafi (Highlands Park F.C.)
McIntosh, Willie (Highlands Park F.C.)
Rufus, Malcolm (Highlands Park F.C.)
Ryder, George (Highlands Park F.C.)
Santoro, (Highlands Park F.C.)
Stewart, John (Highlands Park F.C.)
Weir, Philip (Highlands Park F.C.)
Blackburn, Keith (Maritzburg F.C.)
Davidson, Robbie (Maritzburg F.C.)
Gibson, Jerry (Maritzburg F.C.)
Gibson, Keith (Maritzburg F.C.)
Hennigan, Mike (Maritzburg F.C.)
Laing, Gavin (Maritzburg F.C.)
Lauderdale, Gordon (Maritzburg F.C.)
Rugg, John (Maritzburg F.C.)
Saunders, Ivan (Maritzburg F.C.)
Fielding, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Fincham, Gordon (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Gallagher, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Gallagher, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Gray, Matt (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Houston, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Hugo, Roger (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Kerr, Peter (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Lewis, Kevin (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Mancini, Terry (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
McClelland, David (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Morton, Gerry (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
O'Hara, Eddie (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Ower, Ian (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Prentiss, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Scott, John (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Snowden, Dennis (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Steele, Stan (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Thompson, Jimmy (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Abietar, Enrique (Powerlines F.C.)
Axpe, Luis (Powerlines F.C.)
Dohnal, Franz (Powerlines F.C.)
Fernandes, Angelico (Powerlines F.C.)
Fernandes, Pedro (Powerlines F.C.)
Louro, Arturo (Powerlines F.C.)
Medina, Vincente (Powerlines F.C.)
Oismuller, (Powerlines F.C.)
Rath, Peter (Powerlines F.C.)
Rautmann, Walter (Powerlines F.C.)
Sabbionni, (Powerlines F.C.)
Scherr, Kurt (Powerlines F.C.)
Scott, Neville (Powerlines F.C.)
Tiravit, Alfonso (Powerlines F.C.)
Anderson, Des (Rangers F.C.)
Blanero, Beni (Rangers F.C.)
Davies, Bob (Rangers F.C.)
Forster, Stan (Rangers F.C.)
Gray, Alan (Rangers F.C.)
Jones, Dave (Rangers F.C.)
Koekemore, Ron (Rangers F.C.)
Laing, Alan (Rangers F.C.)
Leon, Moshe (Rangers F.C.)
McLaughlin, John (Rangers F.C.)
Owen, Percy (Rangers F.C.)
Randall, Reg (Rangers F.C.)
Sheavills, Jimmy (Rangers F.C.)
Soekoe, Archie (Rangers F.C.)
Walker, John (Rangers F.C.)
Arluck, Roy (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Bjornstad, Arne (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Clark, Vic (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Cooke, Bobby (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Hinton, Terry (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Horne, Des (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Joubert, Hennie (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Maltby, John (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Mathews, Ron (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Orritt, Bryan (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Phythian, Dave (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Robertson, Tom (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Santos, Zeco (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Schmidt, Theo (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Sequera, (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Shuttleworth, Dave (Southern Suburbs F.C.)
Football Grounds
New Kingsmead (Addington F.C., Durban City F.C., Durban United F.C.)
Hartleyvale (Cape Town City F.C.)
Green Point Stadium (Hellenic F.C.)
Caledonian Stadium (Arcadia United F.C.)
Crusaders Ground (Port Elizabeth F.C.)
Dunswart Stadium (East Rand United F.C.)
Powerlines, Nigel (Powerlines F.C.)
Wembley Stadium (Rangers F.C.)
Balfour Park (Highlands Park F.C.)
Driehoek Stadium (Germiston Callies F.C.)
Rand Stadium (Rangers F.C.)
Dave Marais Floating Trophy
Castle Cup
B.P. League Trophy
U.T.C. Bowl
National Shield
Emblems and Badges
N.F.L. Emblem
Addington F.C.
Arcadia United F.C.
Cape Town City F.C.
Corinthians F.C.
Durban City F.C.
Durban United F.C.
Germiston Callies F.C.
Hellenic F.C.
Highlands Park F.C.
Maritzburg F.C.
Port Elizabeth F.C.
Powerlines F.C.
Rangers F.C.
Southern Suburbs F.C.
Addington F.C.
Arcadia F.C.
Cape Town City F.C.
Corinthians F.C.
Durban City F.C.
Durban United F.C.
Germiston Callies F.C.
Hellenic F.C.
Highlands Park F.C.
Maritzburg F.C.
Port Elizabeth F.C.
Powerlines F.C.
Rangers F.C.
Southern Suburbs F.C.
Club Slogans (Transfers)
"PE City Forever"
"Come On The Celtic"
Altered Cards
Laing, Gavin
Hannan, Tommy
McGuigan, Frank
Brown, Gary
McGilvray, Billy
Any chance that these cards are for sale as a set?
ReplyDeleteHi Eddie,
DeleteSorry, I don't sell cards. I don't know anyone who has a complete set of these cards.
After much searching and purchasing I am getting closer to completing a set although some collectors - not many around though - claim that some cards have never been seen ... will persevere to see if I can refute this claim. Seems such a pity if they are however correct.
ReplyDeleteAfter much searching and purchasing I am getting closer to completing a set although some collectors - not many around though - claim that some cards have never been seen ... will persevere to see if I can refute this claim. Seems such a pity if they are however correct.
ReplyDeleteHi Edward,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments, it must be really difficult tracking down these cards. Good luck with your efforts to complete the collection.
I would say that these cards are larger than the standard cigarette cards. They measure 95mm long by 42.5mm wide and a more like the Miniature Panel Portraits issued by Topical Times in the 1930s. They are glossy with plain backs.
ReplyDeleteI have about 47 cards (including duplicates) for sale.
Hi Derek,
DeleteThanks for letting us know about the card size, I was unsure how big they were. Thanks for your help.
Hi Alan,
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the club shirt and badge cards shown on your site, I also have what I would describe as club slogans in transfer form, ie "PE City Forever" and "Come On The Celtic". These are 50mm square, whilst the club shirts and badges are 40 x47.5mm. Scans availble on request.
Derek Golson
Hi Derek,
DeleteThanks for your comment, that's very interesting. I'll add a section for the transfers. I'd love scans, do you have my e-mail address?