Monday 23 September 2024

Consolidated Cigarette Co. (USA) - (N352) Fine Colored Relief Cards (09) - Fencing

N352 Fine Colored Relief Cards
Consolidated Cigarette Co. / Paxi Cigarettes
100 cards (4 Football)

The backs of the cards list various groups including fencing. I am not aware of any of these cards showing fencers but I have come across seven examples of Raphael Tuck die-cut scraps that do feature fencers and it's possible that these would be the ones used. Complete sheets usually display seven or eight different characters. It would be interesting to track down a complete sheet of these fencers for that reason and to get the sheet number. 
Other posts relating to this collection can be seen here:. 
Consolidated Cigarette Co. (USA) - (N352) Fine Colored Relief Cards (09) - Fencing
Consolidated Cigarette Co. (USA) - (N352) Fine Colored Relief Cards (10) - Boxers


A Foiler
Broad Sword
Coming to the Point
Pressing the Point
Singer Stick
Testing the Steel

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