Monday 13 May 2024

Chocolates Amatller (Spain) - Vasos de Papel

Vasos de Papel
Chocolates Amatller
6 known (2 football)

These are small paper cups measuring 8.5 x 10 cm. The shape is known as an inverted isosceles trapezium! The ones shown here are unused. The bottom part is intended to be folded over and the sides squeezed together to open the cup so that the shopkeeper can put chocolates inside.

Samitier - El Mago del Balón
Zamora - El Coloso del Balón
De Pinedo - El As de la Aviación Italiana
Lindbergh - El Loco del Aire - Vencedor del Atlantico
Raquel Meller - Princesa de la Voz de Oro
Rodolfo Valentino - El Principe del Cine

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