Sunday, 18 October 2020

A Gazeta Esportiva (Brazil) - Campeao Mundial VI Copa Do Mundo (1958) (02)

Campeao Mundial VI Copa Do Mundo
A Gazeta Esportiva
24 cards

The other day I came across this card of the Brazilian team that won the World Cup in 1958. The back of the card is blank and the only reference other than the title is a note to the photos being supplied by the newspaper A Gazeta Esportivo. The reference to 'photos' rather than 'photo' made me think of the 24 individual cards that were shown on my blog a few years ago - A Gazeta Esportiva (Brazil) - Campeao Mundial VI Copa Do Mundo (1958). Originally I was informed that they were cut from a board sheet that was issued with the A Gazeta Esportiva newspaper. This turns out to be incorrect, the 'cards' have been cut from the cover of a vinyl album released in Brazil following the World Cup tournament - Brasil!!! Na Copa do Mundo (Odeon MOCB-3032).

Campeão Mundial VI Copa Do Mundo


  1. Hey Alan,
    I was wondering you could add the 1962 version of this album.
    It even has a Checklist on the back to help you out with that for your blog.
    The players are in the paragraph and are as follows: Gilmar, Castilho, Djalma Santos, Jair Marinho, Mauro, Belini, Nilton Santos, Altair, Zito, Zequinha, Zozimo, Jurandir, Garrincha, Jair, Didi, Mengalvio, Vava, Coutinho, Pele, Amarildo, Zagalo, Pepe.
    Thx again!

    1. Hi Jaime,

      I'm not sure if I want to include that other album cover, there must be three or four of them in circulation. I only add this album to my blog because people are selling the photos of individual players and the team photo as proper football cards even though they've just been cut from the album cover. It's a warning to stop collectors wasting their money.

    2. Please, Mr. Alan Jenkins, note that PSA consider sport's vintage hand cuts as collectible itens:

      "PSA will grade virtually any card that has been hand-cut off of a panel, box, etc. (Post Cereal, Hostess, Bazooka, Strip cards, etc.) keeping the following information in mind. This service does not include traditional sheet-cut cards. PSA will not grade cards cut from sheets that can be obtained in a normal fashion. For example, PSA will not grade a 1979 O-Pee-Chee Wayne Gretzky card cut from a sheet because that card was issued in non-sheet form. On the other hand, PSA will grade a 1959 Bazooka or 1961 Post Cereal Mickey Mantle because those cards could only be obtained in one fashion - removed by hand from a box or panel."

    3. Hi,

      I can understand that regarding things like the Post Cereal cards as they were created to be cut out and collected. I also know that a lot of people cut things from books and magazines and I don't mind recording them on my blog. This Brazilian one os just a vinyl album sleeve, I don't think they created it so that it could be cut up into pieces.


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