Thursday 9 July 2020

Daka (China) - Borussia Dortmund 2020-21 (01)- First News

Borussia Dortmund 2020-21
? base cards

The current coronavirus outbreak has delayed the 2019-20 release until now but news has just been announced that Daka Cards and Borussia Dortmund have extended their original 3-year agreement for another season.

多特蒙德与DAKA Cards续约
日前,多特蒙德俱乐部(BVB)和DAKA Cards宣布将其合作关系延长至2020/21赛季。多特蒙德和DAKA已经合作了三年,二者共同为中国市场制造标志性的球星和团队卡。原创的签字球星卡、比赛球服卡和多特比赛门票抽奖卡都是DAKA独特的概念。
“我们无比开心和自豪能够为我们在中国的巨大粉丝团体提供如此棒的产品。在过去几年,我们和DAKA Cards的合作非常好,我们对在更多赛季的合作也充满期望,” 多特蒙德俱乐部大中华中国区负责人Benjamin Wahl说道。
“我们很激动能和多特蒙德续约一年。由于新冠疫情的影响,这个赛季的产品被推迟到了现在,但是我们很高兴我们可以有更多的时间来打磨产品。我们相信新发布的产品会是目前为止最有趣最有价值的。哈兰德的第一张多特蒙德签字新秀卡使收藏者们对新的这一系列有了更多的期望,” DAKA的首席执行官Chaoqi Wang说。

Recently, Borussia Dortmund (BVB) and DAKA Cards announced that they will extend their partnership to the 2020/21 season. BVB and DAKA have been working together for three years. The two have jointly made iconic stars and team cards for the Chinese market . The original signed star card, game uniform card and Dortet ticket draw card are all DAKA's unique concepts.
"We are extremely happy and proud to provide such a great product to our huge fan group in China. In the past few years, our cooperation with DAKA Cards has been very good, and we are also full of expectations for cooperation in more seasons," said Benjamin Wahl, head of Borussia Dortmund's Chinese operation.
"We are very excited to renew the contract with Borussia Dortmund for one year. Due to the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, the products of this season have been postponed to the present, but we are happy that we can have more time to polish the products. We believe that the newly released products will be the most interesting and valuable so far. Harland’s first Dortmund signed rookie card has made collectors have more expectations for the new series,” said Chaoqi Wang, CEO of DAKA.
DAKA said that in the next season, with the addition of new players, DAKA will launch some of the first signing cards for rookies , such as Erling Harland, Giovanni Reina, Julian Brant and Thorgen Hazard.

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