Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Daka (China) - Borussia Dortmund 2019-20

Borussia Dortmund 2019-20
Daka 达咖文化
18 base cards

A new Borussia Dortmund collection has just been released in China by Daka Cards. I presume the release has been delayed due to the current pandemic and all the associated problems. There are lots of autographs and memorabilia cards in the collection. I don't have a checklist yet but will endeavour to update this list as new information becomes available.
UPDATE (16-08-2020 17:56):  Kasper has provided a checklist of the 18 card base set.
UPDATE (24-03-2021 14:34):  I believe this checklist is now complete.

Base set #/199
18 cards
PARALLEL: Base set #/149
PARALLEL: Base set #/99
PARALLEL: Base set #/Jersey number

01.  Thomas Delaney
02.  Manuel Akanji
03.  Thorgan Hazard
04.  Roman Bürki
05.  Dan-Axel Zagadou
06.  Achraf Hakimi
07.  Nico Schulz
08.  Lukasz Piszczek
09.  Mats Hummels
10.  Jadon Sancho
11.  Mahmoud Dahoud
12.  Mario Götze
13.  Marco Reus
14.  Raphael Guerreiro
15.  Julian Brandt
16.  Axel Witsel
17.  Marwin Hitz
18.  Emre Can

Rookie Class #/199
PARALLEL: Rookie Class #/149
PARALLEL: Rookie Class #/99
PARALLEL: Rookie Class #/Jersey number

19 A.  Erling Haaland  -  Yellow jersey and dribbling  #/99; #/Jersey number
19 B.  Erling Haaland  -  Black jersey and dribbling  #/149; #/Jersey number
19 C.  Erling Haaland  -  Hands on hips  #/199; #/Jersey number
20 A.  Giovanni Reyna  -  Dribbling  #/99; #/Jersey number
20 B.  Giovanni Reyna  -  Running, looking to card right  #/149; #/Jersey number
20 C.  Giovanni Reyna  -  Hands on hips  #/199; #/Jersey number

New Signings #/100
6 cards

NS-EC.  Emre Can
NS-EH.  Erling Haaland
NS-JB.  Julian Brandt
NS-MH.  Mats Hummels
NS-NS.  Nico Schulz
NS-TH.  Thorgan Hazard

16 cards

P-AH.  Achraf Hakimi
P-AW.  Axel Witsel
P-DAZ.  Dan-Axel Zagadou
P-JB.  Julian Brandt
P-JS.  Jadon Sancho
P-LP.  Lukasz Piszczek
P-MA.  Manuel Akanji
P-MD.  Mahmoud Dahoud
P-MG.  Mario Gotze
P-MH.  Marwin Hitz
P-MR.  Marco Reus
P-NS.  Nico Schulz
P-RB.  Roman Burki
P-RG.  Raphael Guerreiro
P-TD.  Thomas Delaney
P-TH.  Thorgan Hazard

Dual Jerseys
8 cards

P-AHRG.  Achraf Hakimi / Raphael Guerreiro
P-AWTD.  Axel Witsel / Thomas Delaney
P-JBTH.  Julian Brandt / Thorgan Hazard
P-MALP.  Manuel Akanji / Lukasz Piszczek
P-MGMD.  Mario Gotze / Mahmoud Dahoud
P-MRJS.  Marco Reus / Jadon Sancho
P-NSDAZ.  Nico Schulz / Dan-Axel Zagadou
P-RBMH.  Roman Burki / Marwin Hitz

17 cards

AU-AH.  Achraf Hakimi #/20
AU-AW.  Axel Witsel
AU-DAZ.  Dan-Axel Zagadou
AU-EH.  Erling Haaland #/17
AU-GR.  Giovanni Reyna #/15
AU-JB.  Julian Brandt #/15
AU-JS.  Jadon Sancho #/7
AU-LP.  Lukasz Piszczek
AU-MA.  Manuel Akanji
AU-MD.  Mahmoud Dahoud
AU-MG.  Mario Gotze
AU-MH.  Mats Hummels
AU-MR.  Marco Reus
AU-NS.  Nico Schulz
AU-RG.  Raphael Guerreiro
AU-TD.  Thomas Delaney
AU-TH.  Thorgan Hazard

Football of the Year
1 card

AU-MR.  Marco Reus


  1. These are the base cards:

    01 Thomas Delaney
    02 Manuel Akanji
    03 Thorgan Hazard
    04 Roman Bürki
    05 Dan-Axel Zagadou
    06 Achraf Hakimi
    07 Nico Schulz
    08 Lukasz Piszczek
    09 Mats Hummels
    10 Jadon Sancho
    11 Mahmoud Dahoud
    12 Mario Götze
    13 Marco Reus
    14 Raphael Guerreiro
    15 Julian Brandt
    16 Axel Witsel
    17 Marwin Hitz
    18 Emre Can

  2. Any idea of the 2020-21 set checklist?

    1. I haven't been able to track down a checklist, if you come across one please let me know.

  3. Hi All,
    I was very happy to find this information and checklist. Does anyone know the approximate odds of hitting a card other than base? I bought 5 packs off ebay and the results were suspicious to say the least. No inserts, only base. And no Sanco, but 3 of this common, 3 of that common, 3 of this common, 2 of others. I can accept bad luck, but this looks off to me. Any comments or thoughts appreciated!

    1. I haven't opened any but it sounds like the packs have been opened and resealed with the better cards replaced by base ones. Perhaps it's possible to tell which packs include hits and which ones don't.

  4. You hit the nail on the head there I'm afraid. A "box" of these cards comes with 2 packs inside, one has an insert, the other is base cards. You could either weigh the packs or measure and figure out which one is which, then sell the base packs. At least that is my theory. Buyer beware.

    1. That explains it - so it's a sealed box or nothing. Cheers.

  5. A few notes:
    - The parallel set you currently have listed as /17 is actually a "jersey number" parallel that applies to the whole set. Haaland is /17, Reyna is /32, Hakimi is /5, etc.
    - There are three variations of the Haaland and Reyna cards, but only the "jersey number" parallel set has all three.
    - Variation A is in the /99 and "jersey number" parallel - Haaland is in yellow jersey and dribbling, Reyna is dribbling, both have "A" on the back of the card
    - Variation B is in the /149 and "jersey number" parallel - Haaland is in black jersey and dribbling, Reyna is running and looking to the right of the card, both have "B" on the back of the card
    - Variation C is the "base" version of the Reyna and Haaland cards (/199) and is also in the "jersey number" parallel - both players have their hands on their hips and both have "C" on the back of the card

    1. Thank you for the notes, I've updated the checklist, I hope I've got it right.
      Thanks again for the help,
      Kind regards,


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