Tuesday 31 July 2018

Upper Deck - World Cup 94 Preview - English/Spanish (03) - Honorary Captains (02) - 8½" x 11"

World Cup 94 ~ Honorary Captains
Upper Deck
4 cards

I've had an e-mail from a collector in the United States asking for information on the large 8½" x 11" Honorary Captains cards. I've never come across these large cards before. A quick search revealed that two Michael Jordan cards had been sold on eBay recently - 0514/2500 and 1063/2500. Can anyone confirm the existence of the other three cards in this format? Please get in touch if you can provide further information.

Honorary Captains - English/Spanish
Honorary Captains - English/Spanish - Gold
Honorary Captains - English/Spanish - Blow-Up 5" x 7"
Honorary Captains - English/Spanish - 8½" x 11"  #/2500

HC1. Reggie Jackson
  -  confirmed 22-02-2021 (see comment)
HC2. Joe Montana
  -  confirmed 22-02-2021 (see comment)
HC3. Michael Jordan  -  confirmed
HC4. Wayne Gretzky
  -  confirmed 22-02-2021 (see comment)


  1. cblankespoor@gmail.com21 February 2021 at 22:47

    Yes, I can confirm the existence of the other 3 cards in the 8.5" x 11" format. There are also Tony Meola and Alexi Lalas versions. I have all 6.

    1. Thank you very much for your help.

      I didn't know about the Meola and Lalas cards. Any chance of scans? I'd like to feature them on my blog.

    2. Hi Alan,

      Very busy work week! I'll scan the cards tomorrow. How would you like me to get you the scans?


    3. Hi Curt,

      No problem, don't worry. Is e-mail OK:




    4. Hi Alan,

      I've sent a couple of emails with attachments to the address you provided. I haven't heard back from you, so I'm wondering my emails ended up in your spam folder?



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