Thursday 21 December 2017

Chocolats Victoria (Belgium) - Vedetten Parade / Parade des Vedettes Album 2

Vedetten Parade / Parade des Vedettes Album 2
Chocolats Victoria
207 cards (29 football)

I think I have a complete list of footballers in this collection though I don't know the numbers for five of them, so they are listed at the end of the main checklist. There are two different backs, one where the numbered list on the bottom half of the back is numbered to 2 and the other which is numbered to 3. The various themes in the album are Teenagers, TV, Cinema, Cyclisme, Football, Athletisme, Basket-ball, Natation (Swimming), Auto-moto and Cosmonautes.
UPDATE (05-10-2019 09:29):  This checklist is now complete, thanks to Mark Avenell and Bud Darland.

Vedetten Parade / Parade des Vedettes Album 2 - Back: List numbered to 2
Vedetten Parade / Parade des Vedettes Album 2 - Back: List numbered to 3

342.  (Cycling)
343.  Bosmans   -    05-10-2019   -  thanks to Bud Darland
344.  Bare
345.  Plaskie
346.  (Lucien) Spronck   -    05-10-2019   -  thanks to Bud Darland
347.  Delchambre
348.  Ghellynck
349.  Vandenboer   -    05-10-2019   -  thanks to Bud Darland
350.  Theo
351.  Colonval
352.  Bo
353.  G. Sulon
354.  Segers
355.  Raoul Lambert
356.  Pele
357.  Antonio Rattin
358.  Beckenbauer
359.  Albert
360.  G. Banks   -   added 26-06-2019   -   thanks to Mark Avenell
361.  Eusebio
362.  Bobby Charlton
363.  Uwe Seeler
364.  Chissenko
365.  Torres
366.  Wolfgang Weber
367.  Simoes
368.  Lev Yachine
369.  Suarez
370.  G. Rivera   -   added 26-06-2019   -   thanks to Mark Avenell
371.  Luis Del Sol
372.  (Athletics)


  1. Hi Alan,
    I just picked up a collection of over 400 of these cards and can help you with the missing ones above:

    #346) (Lucien) Spronck
    #343) Bosmans
    #349) Vandenboer

    Let me know if you need any additional information, or are looking to purchase any of these. I plan to sell them off individually, or in groups/lots. Thanks.

    Bud Darland
    Indianapolis, IN (preferred) or (back-up)

    1. Hi Bid,

      Thank you for your help and for your e-mail.



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