Saturday, 11 February 2017

La Pie Qui Chante - Kiklac-Football

La Pie Qui Chante

216 cards

La Pie Qui Chante translates as The Singing Magpie, and I have been informed that there are 49 cards in this collection but the backs of the cards are blank and are unnumbered, so I don't even know what the set is actually called. I have also seen cards that look very similar but feature Cyclists. I have 26 footballers listed so far.
UPDATE (26-12-2017 15:19):  Two more added, thanks to Benedek Farkasházy.
UPDATE (26-12-2017 15:19):  Bakhuys added, thanks to Scott Leventhal.
UPDATE (28-09-2021 19:55):  Scott Leventhal has been in touch to state that there are often two cards of some players, which has led him to believe that there are two different sets. The cards with the half-length images are slightly longer and narrower than the cards with the head & shoulders portraits. Scott has suggested that the half-length might have been issued in c.1935-36 and the head & shoulders in c.1936-37. I have also been able to add details of a few more cards and it's possible that this set might feature a total of 72 cards. I have also included an image of an album page showing 12 Olympique de Marseille cards.
UPDATE (27-01-2025 14:26):  Serge Plumecocq has confirmed that there are a total of 216 cards, 12 for each of 18 teams and that other cards include cyclists and film stars.
UPDATE (28-01-2025 14:54):  Serge Plumecocq has provided the complete checklist for the first series - Olympique Lillois, Racing-Club Paris, Olympique de Marseille, C.S. Metz, R.C. Strasbourg and Stade Rennais.
UPDATE (07-02-2025 06:36):  Serge Plumecocq has forwarded information provided on page 2 of the album and I have added a translation:
"Les feuilles supplémentaires à l' Album, correspondants aux 2 ème et 3 ème séries, seront éditées en même temps que ces séries et vendues 0.25 par votre fournisseur habituel, ou à défaut vous seront adressées contre 0.50 en timbre-poste, à faire parvenir à LA PIE QUI CHANTE, Route Nationale, WATTIGNIES ( Nord )."
"The additional sheets to the Album, corresponding to the 2nd and 3rd series, will be published at the same time as these series and sold for 0.25 by your usual supplier, or failing that will be sent to you for 0.50 in postage stamps, to be sent to LA PIE QUI CHANTE, Route Nationale, WATTIGNIES (North)."
Serge has also provided more additions and a few amendedments to the checklist.

Kiklac-Football - 1ère série
72 cards

Olympique Lillois
Team Photo (Olympique Lillois)
Beaucourt (Olympique Lillois)
Bigot (Olympique Lillois)
Cahour (Olympique Lillois)
Cléau (Olympique Lillois)
Decottignies (Olympique Lillois)
Défossé (Olympique Lillois)
Delannoy (Olympique Lillois)
Higgins (Olympique Lillois)
van Dooren (Olympique Lillois)
Vinkelmans (Olympique Lillois)
Windner (Olympique Lillois)
R.C. Paris
Team Photo (Racing-Club Paris)   -   added 28-09-2021
Aston (Racing-Club Paris)
Roger Couard (Racing-Club Paris)
Delfour (Racing-Club Paris)
Diagne (Racing-Club Paris)
Gauteroux (Racing-Club Paris)
Jordan (Racing-Club Paris)
(Fred) Kennedy (Racing-Club Paris) - ex Everton, Manchester United, Middlesbrough
Mathé (Racing-Club Paris)
Roux (Racing-Club Paris)
Schmidt (Racing-Club Paris)
Veinante (Racing-Club Paris)
Zivcovitch (Racing-Club Paris)
Olympique de Marseille
Team Photo (Ol. Marseille)   -   added 28-09-2021
Alcazar (Ol. Marseille)
Bastien (Ol. Marseille)
Bruhin (Ol. Marseille)   -   added 28-09-2021
Conchy (Ol. Marseille)
Di Lorto (Ol. Marseille)   -   added 28-09-2021
Janin (Ol. Marseille)
Kohut (Ol. Marseille)
Kurka (Ol. Marseille)
Rabih (Ol. Marseille)
Roviglione (Ol. Marseille)
Zermani (Ol. Marseille)
C.S. Metz
Team Photo (C.S. Metz)   -   added 28-09-2021
Gottwald (C.S. Metz)
Hanke (C.S. Metz)
Hauswirth (C.S. Metz)
Hibst (C.S. Metz)
Kabureck (C.S. Metz)
Kappe (C.S. Metz)
Marchal (C.S. Metz)
Nuic (C.S. Metz)
Robacher (C.S. Metz)
van Caneghem (C.S. Metz)
Zehren (C.S. Metz)
R.C. Strasbourg
Team Photo (R.C. Strasbourg)   -   added 28-09-2021
Cay (R.C. Strasbourg)
Chloupek (R.C. Strasbourg)
Heisserer (R.C. Strasbourg)
Hummel (R.C. Strasbourg)
Curt Keller (R.C. Strasbourg)
Fritz Keller (R.C. Strasbourg)
Papas (R.C. Strasbourg)
Roger (R.C. Strasbourg)
Rohr (R.C. Strasbourg)
Schaden (R.C. Strasbourg)
Scharwath (R.C. Strasbourg)
Stade Rennais
Team Photo (Stade Rennais)
Bambridge (Stade Rennais)
Boccon (Stade Rennais)
Braun (Stade Rennais)
Lopez (Stade Rennais)
Mayboeck (Stade Rennais)
Pleyer (Stade Rennais)
Rose (Stade Rennais)
Rouxel (Stade Rennais)
Schneider (Stade Rennais)
Villacampa (Stade Rennais)
Waggi (Stade Rennais)

Kiklac-Football - 2e série
72 cards

F.C. Sochaux
Team Photo (F.C. Sochaux)
Belko (F.C. Sochaux)
Cazenave (F.C. Sochaux)   -   added 07-02-2025
Courtois (F.C. Sochaux)   -   added 07-02-2025
Lalloue (F.C. Sochaux)   -   added 07-02-2025
Lauri (F.C. Sochaux)   -   added 07-02-2025
 (F.C. Sochaux)   -   added 07-02-2025
Teletchea (F.C. Sochaux)
S.C. Fives
Team Photo (S.C. Fives)
Olympique Alès
Team Photo (Olympique Alès)
Excelsior A.C.
Team Photo (Excelsior A.C.)
Gabrillargues (Excelsior A.C.)   -   added 07-02-2025
U.S. Valenciennes
Ignace (U.S. Valenciennes)   -   added 07-02-2025
Waggi (U.S. Valenciennes)   -   added 07-02-2025
Team Photo (U.S. Valenciennes)
Red Star Olympique
Team Photo (Red Star Olympique)
Antoinette (Red Star Olympique)

Kiklac-Football - 3e série
72 cards

A.S. Cannes
Team Photo (A.S. Cannes)
F.C. Sète
Team Photo (F.C. Sète)
Franqués (FC Séte)
Beck (FC Séte)   -   added 07-02-2025
Danzelle (FC Séte)   -   added 07-02-2025
Koranyi (FC Séte)   -   added 26-12-2017   -   thanks to Benedek Farkasházy
Llense (FC Séte)   -   added 07-02-2025
F.C. Mulhouse
Team Photo (F.C. Mulhouse)
F.C. Antibes
Team Photo (F.C. Antibes)
F.C. Rouen (Promoted for 1936-37)
Team Photo (F.C. Rouen)
Andre (F.C. Rouen)   -   added 07-02-2025
Nicolas (F.C. Rouen)   -   added 07-02-2025
Rio (F.C. Rouen)
R.C. Roubaix (Promoted for 1936-37)
Team Photo (R.C. Roubaix)

Kiklac-Football - Others

Bakhuys (C.S. Metz)   -   added 25-08-2021  -  thanks to Scott Leventhal
Jaeck (Olympique Lillois)
Roger (C.S. Metz)   -   added 07-02-2025
Szabo   -   added 26-12-2017   -   thanks to Benedek Farkasházy


  1. There are 12 images per team, or 18 x 12 = 216 images of footballers, with sometimes two different prints for the same player. There is also a series on cyclists and another on movie stars.


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