Thursday 30 April 2015

WS-Verlag / Bilder und Werbedienst - 30245-31 Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1958 (02)

30245-31 Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1958
WS-Verlag / Bilder und Werbedienst
West Germany
96 cards

I included a checklist of this set as the cards appear in the album, but I've now been sent a proper checklist. This series was issued by WS-Verlag in Germany during 1958 directly after the end of the World Cup that was held in Sweden.  It contains 96 black and white cards that were supposed to be glued in the 32-paged album.  The cards depicted the players of the Germany squad of 1958 as well as scenes from different games of the tournament.  

1.  German Team
2.  Sepp Herberger
3.  Fritz Herkenrath
4.  Heinrich Kwiatkowski
5.  Herbert Erhardt
6.  Erich Juskowiak
7.  Georg Stollenwerk
8.  Karl-Heinz Schnellinger
9.  Horst Eckel
10.  Heinz Wevers
11.  Horst Szymaniak
12.  Helmut Rahn
13.  Fritz Walter
14.  Alfred Schmidt
15.  Uwe Seeler
16.  Alfred Kelbassa
17.  Hans Schäfer
18.  Hans Sturm
19.  Berni Klodt
20.  Uwe Seeler / Hans Schäfer
21.  Germany - Argentina (Uwe Seeler)
22.  Uwe Seeler 
23.  Carrizo / Walter
24.  Carrizo (Argentina)
25.  Germany - Northern Ireland (McParland)
26.  Germany - Northern Ireland (McIlroy)
27.  Germany - Northern Ireland (Gregg / Schäfer)
28.  Czechoslovakia - Germany
29.  Czechoslovakia - Germany (Pluskal / Schäfer)
30.  The golden goal (Helmut Rahn)
31.  Fritz Walter / Crnkovic
32.  Germany - Yugoslavia
33.  Sweden - Wales 
34.  England - Soviet Union (Lev Jascin / Tom Finney)   -   amended   -   thanks to Gregory Graetz
35.  Russian players in training  (with Lev Jaschin)
36.  Sweden and Germany Teams
37.  Schäfer / Links / Schnellinger / Herkenrath
38.  Sweden - Germany (Gunnar Gren)
39.  Germany - Sweden (Erhard / Eckel)
40.  Germany - Sweden (Skoglund / Stollenwerk)
41.  Swedish goal against Germany
42.  Kelbassa / Schäfer
43.  Germany attacks against France
44.  France - Germany (Kwiarkowski )
45.  Sweden Team
46.  Brazil Team
47.  Brazil Team 
48.  German Team in front of hotel
49.  Training camp of the German Team (in Gottskär)
50.  Training camp of the German Team (in Gottskär)
51.  Training camp of the German Team (in Saltsjöbad)
52.  German players dancing
53.  German folk dance
54.  German players signing autographs
55.  The modern Football stadium in Malmö
56.  Germany training session before the match against Yugoslavia
57.  Germany -  Yogoslavia (Sijakovic / Schäfer)
58.  Germany - Chechoslovakia (Schäfer)
59.  Germany - Sweden (Gunnar Gren)
60.  Germany - Sweden (Juskowiak)
61.  Sweden Team in training session
62.  Germany - Sweden
63.  Arthur Ellis / Reginald Leafe (English Referees)
64.  Northern Ireland Team
65.  Argentina Team in training session
66.  Dellacha / Carrizo / Vairo (Argentina)
67.  Lombardo / Rossi (Argentina)
68.  Argentina - Northern Ireland (Merendez / Gregg)
69.  Lombardo (Argentina)
70.  Sweden - Mexico
71.  Sweden - Mexico (Carbarajal)
72.  Northern Ireland - CSR
73.  Northern Ireland Team
74.  Yugoslavia - Scottland (Petakovits)
75.  Beara (Yugoslavia)
76.  Brazil - Wales (Didi / Pele)   -   amended   -   thanks to Gregory Graetz
77.  Brazil - Soviet Union (Santos / Pele / Garrincha / Lev Jascin)   -   amended   -   thanks to Gregory Graetz
78.  England - Soviet Union (MacDonald)
79.  Brazil - Austria
80.  Hungary - Mexico (Sandor)
81.  Hungary - Mexico (Carbajal / Budai)
82.  Sweden - Soviet Union (Hamrin)
83.  Dolejsi (Chechoslovakia)
84.  Hungary - Wales (Kelsey)
85.  Argentina - Northern Ireland
86.  North Ireland - CSR (Zikan / Upriehard)
87.  Hungary - Wales
88.  Austria Team
89.  Brazil - Austria
90.  Brazil - Wales (Mel Charles / Jack Kelsey / Pele)   -   amended
91.  Brazil - Wales (Bellini / Santos)
92.  Didi (Brazil)
93.  Brazil - Sweden (Hamrin / Bellini)
94.  Brazil - Sweden (Pele)
95.  King Gustav Adolf among Brazilian players and officials
96.  Bellini (Brazil)


  1. Hello Alan,

    do all cards really have numbers on their back ??
    As far as I know at least the portrait-cards have no number on their back.

    Thanks and best regards


    1. Hi Kevin,

      I must admit I'm not sure, my original list was compiled from a completed album and once I complete a checklist I don't really do any further research.

      Kind regards,


  2. Hello Alan but the right list of the cards isn't this?
    Best regards.

    1. Hi,

      My original checklist was compiled from an album, I didn't know the card numbers. Later someone sent me a list in card number order. They should be two different versions of the same thing.


  3. But you have this album :
    or this?
    I see for sell only album like the second link...

    1. If you've seen a completed album then the second checklist is the right one.

  4. You say that this is right and original of 1958?
    In this for example the Brazil team are not present at number 47 and also Pele' at number 90.. I wish understand, is there an original album of 1958 and another of 1958 cup but published in a next period with some different cards?

    1. As far as I am aware there is just one album, issued after the World Cup finished.


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