Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Topps - Match Attax Extra 2024/25 (02) - The GOAT

Match Attax Extra 2024/25
? cards

The first card from the forthcoming Match Attax Extra collection has been previewed by Topps.

The Greatest Of All Time (1:450 packets)
1 card
PARALLEL: The Greatest Of All Time - FCB (1:1,800 packets)

GOAT-LM.  Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona)  1:450 packets
GOAT-LMP.  Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona)  FCB  1:1,800 packets


  1. looks really cool but they could have at least added some visible difference between the base and the parallel. it legit took me 10 mins to see the barca logos at the back. anyway i really hope its a chrome card

  2. U should add Ronaldo to come on

  3. You should add Ronaldo to man come on


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