Saturday 3 August 2024

H.U. Braun & Co. (Germany) - Olympia Heft (1936)

Olympia Heft
H.U. Braun & Co., Berlin
26 booklets

Small booklets, 32 pages plus the cover, approximately 6" x 4½", covering all the events at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. No facts and figures, the booklets were created to give spectators a better understanding of each of the sports. There's even a booklet for Gliding, which was a demonstration sport at the 1936 Olympics, though other demonstration sports like Baseball and Wusuu are not included.

1.  Olympia 1936
2.  Skilauf (Ski-ing)
3.  Bobfahren und Eishockey (Bobsledding and Ice Hockey)
4.  Eislauf (Ice Skating)
5.  Fußball
6.  Handball
7.  Hockey
8.  Laufen and Gehen (Athletics - Running and Walking)
9.  Fünf und Zehnkampf (Athletics - Five and Decathlon)
10.  Springen (Athletics - Jumping)
11.  Werfen (Athletics - Throwing)
12.  Boxen
13.  Gewichtheben und Ringen (Weightlifting and Wrestling)
14.  Fechten (Fencing)
15.  Schießen (Shooting)
16.  Reiten (Riding)
17.  Turnen Reck, Barren, Pferd, Ringe(Gymnastics - High Bar, Parallel Bars, Horse, Rings)
18.  Turnen Bodenturnen, Freiübungen, Klettern (Gymnsatics - Floor Exercises, Calisthenics, Climbing)
19.  Schwimmen
20.  Wasserball und Wasserspringen (Water Polo and Diving)
21.  Rudern und Kanu (Rowing and Canoeing)
22.  Segeln (Sailing)
23.  Radfahren (Cycling)
24.  Segelflug (Gliding)
25.  Leibesübungen mit Kraft durch Freude (Physical exercises with strength through joy)
26.  Führer durch die Sportsprache (Guide to sports language)

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