Saturday, 14 January 2023

Nacional de Tabacos (Argentina) - (N4-2/ZD6-11) La Tecnica del Foot-Ball - Series 1/2

(N4-2/ZD6-11) La Tecnica del Foot-Ball - Series 1/2
Compania Nacional de Tabacos
2x25 cards

The illustrations used for this set are the same as the cards in the John Player & Sons - Hints on Association Football collection. I've got the Spanish checklist for the first series of 25 but I haven't been able to compile one for the second series so I've cheated and used the English version.

(N4-2 / ZD6-11) La Tecnica del Foot-Ball - Series 1

1.  Como shotear
2.  El voleo
3.  Para darle efecto a la pelota
4.  Pateando un corner
5.  Shot libre al arco
6.  Pateando un penal
7.  Goal kick
8.  Cuando no debe shotearse
9.  Cabecco
10.  Puntapié inicial
11.  Throw-in a distancia
12.  Throw-in para staque
13.  Throw-in defensive
14.  Parar la pelota
15.  Heciendo caer la pelota
16.  Como detener la pelota
17.  Dejar correr la pelota
18.  Mantener la pelota en el suela
19.  Dribbling con el costado del pie
20.  Dribbling con el lado exterior del pie
21.  Llevar la pelota
22.  Pasar con el lado exterior del pie
23.  Pasar con el lado interior del pie
24.  Pases de cabeza
25.  Pase abierto

(N4-2 / ZD6-11) La Tecnica del Foot-Ball - Series 2

26.  The Centre
27.  Crossfield Pass
28.  Passing Down The Middle
29.  Triangular Wing Movement
30.  When Wing Men Should Close In
31.  "W" Formation
32.  Outside Forward Cutting In
33.  Wing Forward Moving Inside The Ball
34.  Shooting On The Run
35.  The Tackle
36.  The Shoulder Charge
37.  Wing Halves marking Inside Forwards
33.  Backs' System of covering
39.  Backs marking Wing Forwards
40.  Back passing to Half Back
41.  Centre Half as third Back
42.  Passing Back to Goalkeeper
43.  Advancing to check breakthrough
44.  Goalkeeper going down to ball
45.  Goalkeeper - when not to catch the ball
46.  Fisting the ball over the bar
47.  Goalkeeper Fielding a Shot
48.  Defence at the Corner Kick
49.  Receiving a Penalty
50.  Goalkeeper Narrowing a Goal

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