Friday 2 February 2018

Bamforth & Co. (United States) - Rubbering Again (1911)


Rubbering Again
Bamforth & Co.
1 postcard

I think this is the American version of this postcard, as you can see this one was postally used in the United States. The design on this postcard was registered in the United  States in 1911 along with the other 8 postcards listed here, though I don't think they all came from the same series, though I may be wrong. The U.S. numbers printed on the backs of the postcards are in the 4000 range though I don't have numbers for all of them. I've only been able to track down the number for one of the British versions and that postcard is numbered 1616, I presume the U.S. version will have a number in the 4000 range like others in this list.

???? (1616).  Angler: What are you staring at, boy?

4086.  Hi, don't you know fishing is not allowed
4077.  I'm longing for someone to love me
????.  I've said a'hem once and coughed twice
4095.  Kape where ye are, Pat....
4107.  Rubbering again
4081.  What, fighting again, Billy Johnson
4073.  What the tide left
????.  Where ignorance is bliss

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