Sunday 28 May 2017

A&BC - (AAB-385-1a/b/c//ABF-49-1-1) Footballers - 1st/2nd/3rd Series - 1971-72 Purple backs (04)

(AAB-385-1a/ABF-49-1-1) Footballers - 1st/2nd/3rd Series - 1971-72 Purple backs
290 cards

The album for the Club Crests and Football Superstars includes a checklist printed on the back cover - A&BC - (AAB-295/ABF-49-2-1) Football Club Crests (03) - Album - and must have been printed some time after the original version of card no. 277 was printed but before the updated version of card no. 277 was issued.
The two checklist cards have the following differences:

245.  Colin Addison replaced with David Walker
273.  Chris Barnard replaced with John Hope
274.  Pat Rice replaced with Jim Walker
291.  David Walker not issued
292.  Jim Walker not issued
293.  John Hope not issued

The album version of the checklist only goes up to no. 291, the players originally selected to appear on cards 292 and 293 have been moved to 274 and 273 respectivelly.

245.  Colin Addison replaced with David Walker
273.  John Hope
274.  Jim Walker
291.  David Walker not issued

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