Tuesday 7 March 2017

Everybody's (magazine) - Football Clubs

Football Clubs
2+ cards

Roger Pashby has sent me this scan of a large card in his collection featuring caricature of eight players and issued as a supplement to Everybody's, the popular weekly. Roger thinks it was issued around the time of the 1938 F.A. Cup Final, which might mean there's a Preston North End card out there waiting to be discovered. Follow the link to see more of Roger's Huddersfield Town Collection.
The card is not in my database and the magazine doesn't feature in any of the Cartophilic Society of Great Britain reference books.
It seems that Everybody's started life as The Competitors' Journal on 14 March 1913. A little over twelve years later, on 25 April, 1925, it became Competitors' Journal and Everybody's Weekly. For a short while between 1927 and 1928 the names in the title were switched so that the magazine was then called Everybody's Weekly and Competitors' Journal. This name was shortened to Everybody's Weekly on 9 June, 1928. The title was shortened even further to Everybody's on 1 February 1930 and it remained as that right through to it's final issue on 25 April, 1959.
UPDATE (27-10-2023 19:48):  Lucas has allowed me to add his scan of the Arsenal card, taken from his blog ArsenalOneTwoFive.

•  Arsenal - Eddie Hapgood, Horace Cumner, Bryn Jones, Wm. Crayston, Geo. Swindin, Tom Whittaker, Ted Drake, Hugh Glass, Geo. Allison, J. Shaw   -   added 23-10-2023  -  see comment
•  Huddersfield Town - Ken Willingham, Alf Young, George Weinand, Bob Hesford, Clem Stephenson, Billy Price, Tom Hinchcliffe, Pat Beasley


  1. Hi, There is also an Arsenal one. 1938, as stated above, would tie up with Bryn Jones and Hugh Glass being new signings. Unfortunately when I blogged it I said it was 1939/40 in error. https://arsenalonetwofive.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/046-1939-everybodys1.jpg

    1. Thank you for letting me know, Arsenal added to the list.

  2. Feel free to copy the image over should you wish.


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