Tuesday 15 January 2019

La Vache Qui Rit (Arabic) - 1982 World Cup (02)

1982 World Cup
La Vache Qui Rit
Arabic language
77+ cards

I know very little about these stickers as I am not able to read Arabic. They probably were issued in 1980 and seem to concentrate on the French team so I've give the set an appropriate title. I do know they were issued by La Vache Qui Rit (The Laughing Cow) but I don't know where. I would be pleased to hear from anyone who can provide further information.
UPDATE (15-01-2019 23:01)  My memory is not as good as it once was, Wila75 has reminded me that this set has been featured previously. More information can be found here - La Vache Qui Rit (Arabic) - 1982 World Cup (?).

1 (١).  Dominique Dropsy (France)
2 (٢).  Patrick Battiston (France)
3 (٣).  Laurent Paganelli (France)
4 (٤).  Bernard Lacombe (France)
5 (٥).  Dominique Rocheteau (France)
6 (٦).  Michel Platini (France)
7 (٧).  Jean-Francois Larios (France)
8 (٨).  Didier Christophe (France)
9 (٩‎).  Gerard Janvion (France)
10 (١٠).  Christian Lopez (France)
11 (١١).  Marius Tresor (France)


١. دومينيك دروبسي 
٢. باتريك باتيستون
٣. لوران باجانيلي
٤. برنارد لاكومب
٥. دومينيك روشيتو
٦. ميشيل بلاتيني
٧. جان فرانسوا لاريوس
٨. ديدييه كريستوف
٩. جيرارد جانفيون
١٠. كريستيان لوبيز
١١. ماريوس تريزور

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