30 cigar bands
PSV - Blue, with Gold border
PSV - Green, with Gold border
PSV - Orange, with Gold border
PSV - White, with Gold border
PSV - Yellow, with Gold border
PSV - Blue, with Silver border
PSV - Green, with Silver border
PSV - Orange, with Silver border
PSV - White, with Silver border
PSV - Yellow, with Silver border
PSV - Blue, with White border
PSV - Green, with White border
PSV - Orange, with White border
PSV - White, with White border
PSV - Yellow, with White border
1. Nilis
2. Nikiforov
3. Nistelrooij
4. Ooijer
5. Rommedahl
6. Skerla
7. Stinga
8. v.d. Weerden
9. Valkcx
10. Addo
11. v. Bommel
12. Vogel
13. Waterreus
14. Wielaerts
15. Xavier
16. Kolkka
17. Kralj
18. Attram
19. Bouwma
20. Brandts
21. Bruggink
22. Demo
23. Dirkx
24. Doelen
25. Faber
26. Fuchs
27. Gerets
28. Heintze
29. Iwan
30. Khokhlov