

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Unknown issuer (Sweden) - Kostymserien VM-58

Kostymserien VM-58
Unknown issuer
48 cards

A rare set of cards featuring 48 footballers - 12 each from Brazil, West Germany, Hungary and Sweden. Nobody seems to know who issued them as the backs are blank, they're known as the 'Costume Series' as most of the players are wearing casual shirts and jackets rather than football jerseys. It's surprising that these have only just been 'discovered', with quite a few appearing in auctions recently. It all seems rather suspicious, especially when the backs of the cards are blank. If they were issued in 1958 wouldn't who ever issued them want customers to keep coming back for more by including details of where they come from and how to get additional cards on the backs of the cards?

Alves Calazaes Zozimo - Brasilien
Antonio Martins Joel- Brasilien
Evaldo Alves Santarosa (Pelé) - Brasilien
Hideraldo Luiz Belini - Brasilien
Joao »Mazzola» Altafini - Brasilien
Jose Eli de Miranda - Brasilien
Mario Jorge Lobo Zagalo - Brasilien
Nilton Santos - Brasilien
Pecanha Carvalho Orlando - Brasilien
Sani Dino - Brasilien
Santos Nevves Glimar - Brasilien (sic - Gilmar)
Waldir "Didi" Pereira - Brasilien

Ferenc Szojka - Ungern
Gyula Grosics - Ungern
József Bozsik - Ungern
Karoly Sándor - Ungern
Lajos Tichy - Ungern
László Budai - Ungern
Laszlo Sárosi - Ungern
Nandor Hidegkuti - Ungern
Oszkar Szigeti - Ungern
Pal Berendi - Ungern
Sándor Mátray - Ungern
Tibor Monostori - Ungern

Agne Simonsson - Sverige
Åke "Bajdoff" Johansson - Sverige
Arne Seimosson - Sverige
Bengt "Julle" Gustavsson - Sverige
Gunnar Gren - Sverige
Karl Svensson - Sverige
Kurt Hamrin - Sverige
Lennart "Nacka" Skoglund - Sverige
Nils Liedholm - Sverige
Orvar Bergmark - Sverige
Sigvard Parling - Sverige
Sven Axbom - Sverige

Erich Juskowiak - Väst-Tyskland
Fred Kelbassa - Väst-Tyskland
Fritz Herkenrath - Väst-Tyskland
Fritz Walter - Väst-Tyskland
Georg Stollenwerk - Väst-Tyskland
Hans Schäfer - Väst-Tyskland
Heinz Wewers - Väst-Tyskland
Helmut Rahn - Väst-Tyskland
Herbert Erhardt - Väst-Tyskland
Horst Eckel - Väst-Tyskland
Horst Szymaniak - Väst-Tyskland
Uwe Seeler - Väst-Tyskland

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