

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Allen & Ginter (USA) - (N22) Racing Colors of the World

(N22) Racing Colors of the World
Allen & Ginter
50 cards

I am fascinated by the early American cigarette cards and I thought I'd include this set even though the connection to football is very tenuous. This collection includes the racing colours of Lord Rosebery who was Honorary President of the Scottish Football Association and Heart of Midlothian Football Club. The Scottish national team actually wore his primrose and pink colours on at least 9 occasions in the late 1880's and early 1990's.
The cards are unnumbered and are listed here in the order they appear on the backs of the cards, with numbers added for reference purposes only. You'll notice all the jockeys are ladies.

N22a Racing Colors of the World - White Border
N22b Racing Colors of the World - No Border

1.  G.B. Morris (American)
2.  D.D. Withers (American)
3.  Aug. Belmont (American)
4.  Pierre Lorillard (American)
5.  A.J. Cassatt (American)
6.  S.S. Brown (American)
7.  F. Gebhard (American)
8.  E.J. Baldwin (American)
9.  Mrs. G.L. Lorillard (American)
10.  Dwyer Bros. (American)
11.  Jas. Galaway (American)
12.  J.D. Morrissey (American)
13.  J.B. Haggin (American)
14.  T.W. Doswell (American)
15.  R.W. Walden (American)
16.  Wm. Lakeland (American)
17.  Walter Gratz (American)
18.  N.W. Kitson (American)
19.  Ed Corrigan (American)
20.  Appleby & Johnson (American)
21.  Prince d’Arenberg (French)
22.  Baron Schickler (French)
23.  Count Vauvineaux (French)
24.  M.H. Delamarre (French)
25.  M. Ephrussi (French)
26.  M. C.J. Lefevre (French)
27.  Baron de Rothschild (French)
28.  Leopold de Rothschild (French)
29.  H.R.H. Prince of Wales (English)
30.  H.R.H. Duke of Connaught (English)
31.  Duke of Westminster (English)
32.  Duke of Portland (English)
33.  Duke of Beaufort (English)
34.  Earl of Rosebery (English)
35.  Earl of Zetland (English)
36.  Lord Manners (English)
37.  Sir George Chetwynd (English)
38.  Sir J. Astley (English)
39.  Sir F. Johnstone (English)
40.  Sir R. Jardine (English)
41.  Mr. Manton (English)
42.  Gen. Owen Williams (English)
43.  Capt. Machell (English)
44.  Count Lehndorff (German)
45.  Prince D. Soltykoff (Russian)
46.  Count Elemer de Batthyany (Hungarian)
47.  H.M. King of the Netherlands (Dutch)
48.  Count W. Kaunitz (Austrian)
49.  Chevalier E. Ginistrelli (Italian)
50.  Wm. Hendrie (Canadian)

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