

Monday 22 March 2021

Panini (Italy) - Calciatori 2021 (09) - TIM Sticker

Calciatori 2021
743+ stickers

On page 93 of the album there is space for a special sticker available from TIM, the sponsors of Serie A. There are actually two different versions in circulation. The first was available from TIM stores (left), which may have been withdrawn or produced in low numbers so that stocks were depleted rather quickly. The second one (right) was received by TIM subscribers, attached to their January 2021 bill.
UPDATE (19-10-2021 13:49):  Ilie Taucean has informed me that there are two different versions of the sticker available from TIM stores, one with a printed back and one with a blank back. I have added examples of both.

Negozi TIM / TIM stores  -  printed back
Negozi TIM / TIM stores  -  blank back
Bolletta (solo x abbonati TIM in bolletta gennaio) / Bill (only for TIM subscribers in January bill)


  1. The one from TIM stores I found on sale on two versions: with panini writings on the back and without. Do you know why and how the two was available?

    1. Hi Ilie,

      I never realised there were two different versions, perhaps the blank backed one comes from a second print run. I've found scans of both and will add them to this post.


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