

Monday 19 June 2017

A&BC - (AAB-400/ABF-51-1) Footballers - 1st/2nd Series - 1973-74 Blue backs

(AAB-400/ABF-51-1) Footballers - 1st/2nd Series - Blue backs
A&BC Chewing Gum
261 cards

(AAB-400-1a/ABF-51-1-1) Footballers - 1st Series - Blue backs
131 cards

1.  Ray Kennedy (Arsenal)
2.  Chris Garland (Chelsea)
3.  Rodney Marsh (Manchester City)
4.  Frank Clark (Newcastle United)
5.  David Lawson (Everton)
6.  Alex Stepney (Manchester United)
7.  Trevor Cherry (Leeds United)
8.  Kevin Keegan (Liverpool)
9.  Chris Cattlin (Coventry City)
10.  Tony Hazell (Queens Park Rangers)
11.  Trevor Brooking (West Ham United)
12.  Clive Payne (Norwich City)
13.  Eric Martin (Southampton)
14.  Mike Pejic (Stoke City)
15.  Kevin Hector (Derby County)
16.  John Jackson (Crystal Palace)
17.  Tony Want (Birmingham City)
18.  Allan Hunter (Ipswich Town)
19.  Pat Jennings (Tottenham Hotspur)
20.  Bobby Moore (West Ham United)
21.  Ted Hemsley (Sheffield United)
22.  Alan Woodward (Sheffield United)
23.  Peter Osgood (Chelsea)
24.  Alan Birchenall (Leicester City)
25.  John Radford (Arsenal)
26.  Peter Shilton (Leicester City)
27.  Mick Doyle (Manchester City)
28.  Stewart Barrowclough (Newcastle United)
29.  Howard Kendall (Everton)
30.  Ian Storey-Moore (Manchester United)
31.  Allan Clarke (Leeds United)
32.  Larry Lloyd (Liverpool)
33.  Dennis Mortimer (Coventry City)
34.  Dave Clement (Queens Park Rangers)
35.  Graham Paddon (Norwich City)
36.  Checklist Series One
37.  Robert McCarthy (Southampton)
38.  John Marsh (Stoke City)
39.  Roy McFarland (Derby County)
40.  Alan Whittle (Crystal Palace)
41.  John Roberts (Birmingham City)
42.  Kevin Beattie (Ipswich Town)
43.  Martin Chivers (Tottenham Hotspur)
44.  John McDowell (West Ham United)
45.  Eddie Colquhoun (Sheffield United)
46.  Jimmy Greenhoff (Stoke City)
47.  Willie Johnston (West Bromwich Albion)
48.  Dennis Rofe (Leicester City)
49.  Bob Wilson (Arsenal)
50.  Alan Hudson (Chelsea)
51.  Colin Bell (Manchester City)
52.  Terry Hibbitt (Newcastle United)
53.  John Connolly (Everton)
54.  Martin Buchan (Manchester United)
55.  David Harvey (Leeds United)
56.  Emlyn Hughes (Liverpool)
57.  Brian Alderson (Coventry City)
58.  Mick Jones (Leeds United)
59.  Duncan Forbes (Norwich City)
60.  Gordon Nisbet (West Bromwich Albion)
61.  Mick Channon (Southampton)
62.  John Mahoney (Stoke City)
63.  Colin Todd (Derby County)
64.  Tony Taylor (Crystal Palace)
65.  Bob Hatton (Birmingham City)
66.  Mick Mills (Ipswich Town)
67.  Martin Peters (Tottenham Hotspur)
68.  Bryan Robson (West Ham United)
69.  Billy Dearden (Sheffield United)
70.  Steve Perryman (Tottenham Hotspur)
71.  Tony Brown (West Bromwich Albion)
72.  Steve Whitworth (Leicester City)
73.  Alan Ball (Arsenal)
74.  John Hollins (Chelsea)
75.  Mike Summerbee (Manchester City)
76.  David Craig (Newcastle United)
77.  Joe Harper (Everton)
78.  Brian Kidd (Manchester United)
79.  Peter Lorimer (Leeds United)
80.  Ray Clemence (Liverpool)
81.  Roy Barry (Coventry City)
82.  Dave Thomas (Queens Park Rangers)
83.  Terry Anderson (Norwich City)
84.  Leighton James (Burnley)
85.  Jim Steele (Southampton)
86.  Terry Conroy (Stoke City)
87.  John McGovern (Derby County)
88.  Don Rogers (Crystal Palace)
89.  Trevor Francis (Birmingham City)
90.  Trevor Whymark (Ipswich Town)
91.  Mike England (Tottenham Hotspur)
92.  Frank Lampard (West Ham United)
93.  Tony Currie (Sheffield United)
94.  Colin Waldron (Burnley)
95.  Asa Hartford (West Bromwich Albion)
96.  Len Glover (Leicester City)
97.  Bob McNab (Arsenal)
98.  Peter Bonetti (Chelsea)
99.  Willie Donachie (Manchester City)
100.  Malcolm MacDonald (Newcastle United)
101.  Roger Kenyon (Everton)
102.  David Sadler (Manchester United)
103.  Billy Bremner (Leeds United)
104.  Chris Lawler (Liverpool)
105.  Mick Coop (Coventry City)
106.  Mike Docherty (Burnley)
107.  Geoff Butler (Norwich City)
108.  John Wile (West Bromwich Albion)
109.  Terry Paine (Southampton)
110.  Geoff Hurst (Stoke City)
111.  David Nish (Derby County)
112.  Ian Philip (Crystal Palace)
113.  Roger Hynd (Birmingham City)
114.  Bryan Hamilton (Ipswich Town)
115.  Cyril Knowles (Tottenham Hotspur)
116.  Billy Bonds (West Ham United)
117.  Len Badger (Sheffield United)
118.  Colin Boulton (Derby County)
119.  Ray Wilson (West Bromwich Albion)
120.  Pat Rice (Arsenal)
121.  Terry Venables (Queens Park Rangers)
122.  Martin Dobson (Burnley)
123.  Frank Casper (Burnley)
124.  Tom Hutchison (Coventry City)
125.  Steve Heighway (Liverpool)
126.  Paul Madeley (Leeds United)
127.  George Graham (Manchester United)
128.  Colin Harvey (Everton)
129.  John Tudor (Newcastle United)
130.  Francis Lee (Manchester City)
131.  Ron Harris (Chelsea)

(AAB-400-1b/ABF-51-1-1) Footballers - 2nd Series - Blue backs

132.  Charlie George (Arsenal)
133.  Peter Houseman (Chelsea)
134.  Derek Jeffries (Manchester City)
135.  Pat Howard (Newcastle United)
136.  Henry Newton (Everton)
137.  Steve James (Manchester United)
138.  Paul Reaney (Leeds United)
139.  Alec Lindsay (Liverpool)
140.  Neil Ramsbottom (Coventry City)
141.  Paul Fletcher (Burnley)
142.  Tommy Taylor (West Ham United)
143.  Alistair Brown (West Bromwich Albion)
144.  Brian O'Neil (Southampton)
145.  Dennis Smith (Stoke City)
146.  Ron Webster (Derby County)
147.  Charlie Cooke (Crystal Palace)
148.  Bobby Hope (Birmingham City)
149.  David Johnson (Ipswich Town)
150.  John Pratt (Tottenham Hotspur)
151.  Bobby Ferguson (West Ham United)
152.  Tom McAllister (Sheffield United)
153.  Keith Eddy (Sheffield United)
154.  Alan Merrick (West Bromwich Albion)
155.  Graham Cross (Leicester City)
156.  Eddie Kelly (Arsenal)
157.  Joe Corrigan (Manchester City)
158.  Bobby Moncur (Newcastle United)
159.  Terry Darracott (Everton)
160.  Sammy McIlroy (Manchester United)
161.  Norman Hunter (Leeds United)
162.  Tommy Smith (Liverpool)
163.  Wilf Smith (Coventry City)
164.  Malcolm Partridge (Leicester City)
165.  Doug Livermore (Norwich City)
166.  Hugh Fisher (Southampton)
167.  John Farmer (Stoke City)
168.  Alan Hinton (Derby County)
169.  Mel Blyth (Crystal Palace)
170.  Dave Latchford (Birmingham City)
171.  David Best (Ipswich Town)
172.  Ralph Coates (Tottenham Hotspur)
173.  Clyde Best (West Ham United)
174.  Geoff Salmons (Sheffield United)
175.  Alan Bloor (Stoke City)
176.  Jeff Astle (West Bromwich Albion)
177.  Alan Woollett (Leicester City)
178.  Peter Simpson (Arsenal)
179.  Bill Garner (Chelsea)
180.  Tommy Booth (Manchester City)
181.  Iam McFaul (Newcastle United)
182.  Checklist Series Two
183.  Mick Lyons (Everton)
184.  Jimmy Rimmer (Manchester United)
185.  Eddie Gray (Leeds United)
186.  Ian Callaghan (Liverpool)
187.  Willie Carr (Coventry City)
188.  Jim Thomson (Burnley)
189.  George Armstrong (Arsenal)
190.  Ray Martin (Birmingham City)
191.  Bobby Stokes (Southampton)
192.  Jimmy Robertson (Stoke City)
193.  Terry Hennessey (Derby County)
194.  David Payne (Crystal Palace)
195.  Alan Campbell (Birmingham City)
196.  Colin Harper (Ipswich Town)
197.  Alan Gilzean (Tottenham Hotspur)
198.  Kevin Lock (West Ham United)
199.  Jim Bone (Sheffield United)
200.  Jimmy Pearce (Tottenham Hotspur)
201.  David Shaw (West Bromwich Albion)
202.  John Farrington (Leicester City)
203.  Sammy Nelson (Arsenal)
204.  Steve Kember (Chelsea)
205.  Tony Towers (Manchester City)
206.  Irving Nattrass (Newcastle United)
207.  Rod Belfitt (Everton)
208.  Mick Martin (Manchester United)
209.  Mick Bates (Leeds United)
210.  Peter Cormack (Liverpool)
211.  Bobby Parker (Coventry City)
212.  Frank McLintock (Queens Park Rangers)
213.  Ian Mellor (Norwich City)
214.  Keith Newton (Burnley)
215.  Joe Kirkup (Southampton)
216.  Eric Skeels (Stoke City)
217.  Steve Powell (Derby County)
218.  Paddy Mulligan (Crystal Palace)
219.  Gary Pendrey (Birmingham City)
220.  Colin Viljoen (Ipswich Town)
221.  Phil Beal (Tottenham Hotspur)
222.  Clive Charles (West Ham United)
223.  Ian MacKenzie (Sheffield United)
224.  Mick Leach (Queens Park Rangers)
225.  Len Cantello (West Bromwich Albion)
226.  Malcolm Manley (Leicester City)
227.  Peter Storey (Arsenal)
228.  Eddie McCreadie (Chelsea)
229.  Glyn Pardoe (Manchester City)
230.  Tony Green (Newcastle United)
231.  Tommy Wright (Everton)
232.  Willie Morgan (Manchester United)
233.  Terry Yorath (Leeds United)
234.  Brian Hall (Liverpool)
235.  Not issued
236.  Geoff Nulty (Burnley)
237.  Kevin Keelan (Norwich City)
238.  Ian Britton (Chelsea)
239.  Paul Bennett (Southampton)
240.  Sean Haslegrave (Stoke City)
241.  John Toshack (Liverpool)
242.  John O'Hare (Derby County)
243.  Derek Possee (Crystal Palace)
244.  Gordon Taylor (Birmingham City)
245.  Peter Morris (Ipswich Town)
246.  Joe Kinnear (Tottenham Hotspur)
247.  Johnny Ayris (West Ham United)
248.  Ian Collard (Ipswich Town)
249.  Archie Gemmill (Derby County)
250.  David Cross (Norwich City)
251.  Jon Sammels (Leicester City)
252.  Stan Bowles (Queens Park Rangers)
253.  Doug Collins (Burnley)
254.  Ian Watson (Queens Park Rangers)
255.  Gary Locke (Chelsea)
256.  Bill Glazier (Coventry City)
257.  Joe Jordan (Leeds United)
258.  Tony Young (Manchester United)
259.  John Hurst (Everton)
260.  Tommy Gibb (Newcastle United)
261.  Tony Book (Manchester City)
262.  Not issued
263.  Marvin Hinton (Chelsea)
264.  Not issued

(AAB-400-1b/ABF-51-1-1) Footballers - 2nd Series - Blue backs - errors/varieties

241.  John Toshack (Liverpool) - head & shoulders
241.  John Toshack (Liverpool) - full length
182.  Checklist Series Two - lists cards 132-264
182.  Checklist Series Two - lists cards 132-261

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