

Friday 24 May 2024

Daily Mirror (Australia) - Hotspur's Australian Soccer School (1973)

Hotspur's Australian Soccer School
Daily Mirror
52 cut-outs

Produced in 1973, just prior to Australia's appearance at the 1974 World Cup Finals in West Germany. The album contains 24 pages including the covers and space for 52 cut-outs - 30 showing football tips and 22 of the players expected to take part in the World Cup tournament. Each of the cut-outs measure approximately 75mm x 127mm, but I've only got the name of one of them.

Section A - How to Play Better Soccer
30 cut-ots

Lesson No. 1
Lesson No. 2.  The Short Pass
Lesson No. 3.  Shooting
Lesson No. 4.  
Lesson No. 5.  Trapping (foot)
Lesson No. 6.  
Lesson No. 7.  
Lesson No. 8.  
Lesson No. 9.  
Lesson No. 10.  
Lesson No. 11.
Lesson No. 30

Section B - The World Cup Squad. Pen Portraits by Hotspur
22 cut-outs

Player No. 1.  Ray Baartz
Player No. 2.  
Player No. 3.  
Player No. 22.  

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