

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Coffmore & Sons / Coffmore Cigarettes - It's a Funny Old Game ~ The Gentleman's Guide to Association Football

It's a Funny Old Game ~ The Gentleman's Guide to Association Football
Coffmore & Sons / Coffmore Cigarettes
13 cards

An album appeared on eBay the other day complete with a set of 12 cards. While searching around I found a further card featuring the main character - Nobby Bottomshuffle.

1.  How to kick the ball
2.  Dribbling
3.  Heading the ball
4.  Bringing the ball down
5.  The Flying Header
6.  The Tackle
7.  The Long Throw-in
8.  Good Sportsmanship
9.  The Early Bath
10.  The Sliding Tackle
11.  Receiving a knock
12.  The Overhead Bicyle Kick
13.  Nobby Bottomshuffle

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