

If you've sent me an e-mail, please read this...

UPDATE (03-04-2023 19:58):  First of all I have to apologise to everyone who has sent me an e-mail. I have over 600 unread e-mails in my Inbox and it's likely that I won't be able to get around to a fraction of them. My own health has deteriorated over the last five or six months, so much so that the arthritis in my neck gives me constant pain as well as headaches and neuralgia. As always, my wife, who is also unwell, is my main priority. I'm her carer and I have to make sure she is kept comfortable at all times and that she wants for nothing.

Not being able to reply to my e-mails is a constant source of worry and frustration but I really don't know what to do about it. I just hope this note goes some way to providing an apology to everyone who has written to me over the last couple of years and hasn't received a reply.

UPDATE (20-10-2022 19:10):  I have been meaning to do another update as it still bothers me greatly that I am unable to keep on top of all the e-mail's I receive. The number outstanding is still over 400 and although I don't like to admit it, many of them will remain unanswered, which is a great pity. I have befriended a lot of great people over the period I've been working on my blog - the 10th anniversary comes around early in the New Year.

My wife and I are in poor health and that's not going to change. I think it's safe to say that where we're at at the moment is as good as it's going to get. My wife is my priority, her happiness and well-being is more important to me than anything. I still enjoy adding new checklists and other items to my blog, even though I have less time on my hands these days, it's still something I enjoy doing.

I must apologise to everyone who has written to me and not received a reply. I would like to say that that situation will change but I know that's very unlikely. Not being able to answer my e-mails is an on-going source of frustration and concern

If you have new information, updates or amendments relating to posts on my blog please use the 'Comments' which can be accessed at the bottom of each of them. I am not on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any of the social media platforms so leaving a comment is the easiest way to contact me at the moment. I do keep on top of these as often as I can and 99% are actioned within 24 hours and I have no outstanding comments at this moment in time.

Take care, stay safe and apologies again to everyone whom I have disappointed,
